May I make one last comment on our situation at the blog please?
This may be the last month that we’re able to skimp and cut, share and manoeuver to make it through to the end of the month. (1)
No one has any more fat left in anything – no savings, no room on any cards or lines of credit or any other instrument of debt.
When money runs out this time, there’ll be nowhere for us to turn.
As I said earlier, I know the Company of Heaven wants us to be an instrument to fan the flame of generosity in people’s hearts. We’re playing our parts, as the Divine Mother once explained it to me. (See 2) But in the process we’ve run out of … well, practically everything.
I very much acknowledge and appreciate our existing monthly-subscriber base. But we need to broaden it to survive.
Let me allow Michael to speak for us, from 2014, he who could rain money down on us if it served the Plan, (3) but wants things to be this way for the larger good it serves:
Now, there is an attitude among many that the [financial] support of spiritual pursuits is the job of someone else, and that is simply not true. And your blog – let me be more clear than that, our blog – is a perfect example of this.
You have poured — and many have poured — their blood, sweat and tears, their life force, their resources, emotionally, physically, spiritually into this undertaking. And there has been some magnificent support, and for this we are grateful.
But why does it fall to someone else? I, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabrielle, the Mother, the legions of angels, do you not think that we have very strongly been nudging and encouraging many to support these types of undertakings?
The Mother has said that she has much to say to the world. Well, on her behalf we have much to say, to share, to celebrate, to walk through, to create and co-create with humanity.
We have been encouraging, shall we say, readers and supporters urgently because many think — and it is a mental process — that “I am not in that comfortable, abundant situation whereby I can contribute a dollar or three, so I will not do it. I appreciate it. I love the information. It sustains me. It keeps me sane, but I cannot donate at this moment because I am poor, because I am strapped.”
And in that is the personal denial of participation, of ownership, of being a vital organ in this living, breathing being. And whether it is this blog that you and I have formed or others that are admirable, there is the sense of “I will leave it to somebody else” or that “When I receive all my revaluation or winnings or gifts, then I will give.”
That is not an action that stays in the flow of giving and receiving. It is an action that says “I am desperate, and I do not believe in the flow. I do not believe that we are changing the world. I do not believe that such massive change is possible. ” Because the massive change that we are speaking of is of such a magnitude that it does not make common sense. …
Now, you and I, dear Steve, have had this conversation and it would be enough to make many angels cry, if there is no desire or ability – we do not say this in a critical way – to support our platform.
This is a platform that we have fully participated in, and it has grown and it has morphed, and then it has grown again. If there is no heart desire for people to participate [by donating], then send it into hiatus.
I do not wish to hold you or any of my beloved circle of the Golden Age of Gaia hostage. I do not ask you to impoverish yourself. (“Archangel Michael: Ignition is the Awareness that You Are Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 28, 2014, at
(1) I thank the bank teller who advised me, when money comes in, to immediately run it through my Visa and Line of Credit; then transfer it back. But paying any amount down is getting beyond my reach. I shuffle and juggle all month, but won’t be able to in future.
(2) Steve: This poverty that we are having to endure just doesn’t seem necessary.
Divine Mother: You have agreed that you are on, can we say, the receiving end.
Steve: So our being [poor] is used as a means to get people to open up?
Divine Mother: To express gratitude, generosity, unity and to express what is valuable to them.
Steve: So that is what the spiritual meaning of this is. That we serve the purpose of igniting people’s generosity or inspiring it.
Divine Mother: That is correct. You are the catalysts. (Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.)
(3) “It does not mean that we can not put money in a bank account because we can.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.)
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There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
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