May I share a memory? And a dream?
It’s about the freedom I had as a child to choose what and how I wanted to worship. And the outcome of that privilege.
In my family, my Mother had to defend my right to worship as I pleased. In the end, it cost her her marriage. I owe her a lot for her sacrifice.
What it meant for me was that I survived childhood without religious indoctrination and lots of room to explore. And I did.
I explored all through university and often left disciplinary boundaries. I particularly felt attracted to religious – or rather spiritual – truth. Whatever religion I studied, I looked at their commonalities, their shared wisdom, whereas most others around me at the time were looking at their differences.
In one discipline after another, my work was rejected. Oh well.
No matter what was happening outside of me, I couldn’t stop my incessant collecting and organizing of truths from all spiritual traditions into what later became dictionaries. (1) This was way back in the 60s and 70s.
For the next fifty years I was either collecting quotes or writing dictionaries on 3×5 index cards, punch cards, floppy disks, the Cloud, etc.
I wanted to draw on Truth wherever it was found. I didn’t care for disciplinary boundaries or religions. As Gandhi said, truth is truth.
I had to be clear that I wasn’t looking to help build a multi-cultural spirituality. I respect the goals of multiculturalism. But my work is about something different.
“Multicultural” emphasizes the differences. “Cross-cultural” emphasizes the similarities.
A cross-cultural spirituality draws the common truths of all religions together and considers them based on their truth value alone, not on their origin.
The vision I had on Feb. 13, 1987 powerfully showed me that we’re here to discover the Truth of our real identity. That is our one and only assignment. (2)
I know that Truth is supreme in the final analysis, in the last moment of separate existence. The Truth of who we are sets us free. Self-Realization is the object of existence. The Self we realize is God.
In that moment, God meets God. I saw that occur in my vision with my own “eyes.” (3) The importance of Truth was brought home to me quite undeniably and indelibly.
As it happens, we live in the Internet Age. The Internet makes a cross-cultural spirituality distinctly possible. It encourages and invites it. I hope such a field of endeavor emerges. (I’m now out of touch with the literature so it very well may have already.)
I consider these to be field notes from an Ascension field trip, an ethnography of a human journey.
I hope that, after becoming cross-cultural in our spirituality, perhaps the next thing we’ll allow and entertain is the evidence of personal experience. On occasion that has been called ontology, phenomenology, verstehen, verifiable-by-me, and in-the-moment or lived experience.
After that, I hope we entertain the evidence born of realization (enlightenment). (4) That would bring another whole field of study into the cross-cultural mix: the literature of terrestrial masters.
Multidimensional? Our library of knowledge would extend interdimensionally, just as it does now cross-culturally.
Intergalactic? Understood by other civilizations as well.
A spirituality that’s commonly understood around the world and the galaxy and helps us to know the other dimensions.
Would that not result in an expansion in the meaning of humanness?
(1) The most important being From Darkness Unto Light, located here:
(2) For an accont of the vision, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” at
(3) At the end of the vision, the little golden star merged with the large Golden Sun. God met God in a final embrace and became One.
(4) Such as what I learned from the fourth-chakra heart opening of March 13, 2015 – what I learned about love, about how I had never loved before that moment, about how I just wanted to share it and share it and share it. And yet almost no one recognized the space or could receive it. About the inner tsunami of love and the Ocean of Love. On and on the learning went.