Backstage I’m working to launch a project aimed at ending pedophilia on the planet by Jan. 1, 2020.
Onstage I’m writing as much literature to assist the newly-awakened as I can squeeze out of myself.
And here another month has passed and I must appear before you, the shareholders, so to speak, and ask for your support again.
Producing the blog is in fact our job. It’s just that we choose to live off donations.
We haven’t chosen to make the many books, thousands of articles, and volumes of databases archived on this site cost anything.
We want a child in Africa looking at the Internet in the village library to be able to access them.
We’ve chosen, like Thai monks … or perhaps urban monks, to throw ourselves on your mercy, to earn our living.
The day it stops, we all scatter to find alternative ways to pay the rent. Gone in a puff of smoke, barring the Reval. A beautiful dream.
If you can find it in your budget to give a mite, that’d be so much appreciated.
If you have it in your budget to pledge a monthly mite, that would be amazing.
If you don’t have it in your budget, our Paypal accepts love. Alignment works. We’re working on the collective consciousness where money doesn’t mean anything.
Thank you all for your support. Without it, I’d be toast and so would the other producers of the blog.
And that’s OK too. We know the universe would support us. We simply wouldn’t be able to produce the blog.
That’s the way the Company of Heaven wants it, apparently. We’re here to excite generosity. They count on us to play our role and we’re doing that.
Thank you to all of you out there for contributing, reading, reposting, tweeting, talking about what you find here!
We love you.