Credit: White Hats Report
A bit long. I’m sorry. Very important.
Mike Rowe made a career out of bringing Dirty Jobs to our attention.
There are all kinds of dirty jobs in our society, dangerous jobs, sickening jobs that nevertheless need doing. And somebody does them.
I worked in one for eight years. My job as a refugee adjudicator was to listen to people tell me stories of torture, rape, beatings, and many other forms of abuse and persecution. I had to decide who was telling the truth and who was not, who was a U.N. Convention refugee and who was not.
Some of the stories I heard traumatized me secondarily. I’d spend a long time in my office bawling my eyes out or horrified at what I’d just heard, wanting to scream.
I went into the job for mundane reasons. But I didn’t leave that way.
I was permanently altered by the experience. I still burst into tears when I think of what some people went through. Or how privileged I was to hear their stories. (1)
So why am I telling you this?
Because in the days and weeks ahead, there are going to be people doing what we’d consider to be dirty jobs, dangerous jobs, on our behalf, and we need to make sure that we’re behind them. And that they know it.
Which people? The people who are fulfilling the Mother’s Plan by easing the cabal from power and bringing about a transition as peaceful as possible.
People are laying their lives on the line to make the dark back down from their bastions of power and influence. These are not just dirty jobs, although they may be. They’re dangerous jobs.
Look at Matt Doran, the Australian news reporter who went undercover with Operation Underground Railroad to bring down a Haitian child sex ring. Very dangerous job. (2)
And they’re doing it for us.
Yes, we’re ascending. Yes, we aim for love and bliss. But, yes, as well, our friends around the globe who are poor, homeless, and hungry need us to step up to the bat and retire the cabal, for their sakes as well as our own.
I call the men and women who are “retiring” the elite the “white hats.” Others call them “the Alliance.” The name doesn’t matter.
They’re joined by the whistleblowers, many of whom are reported every day as having given their lives to sound the alarm.
How many people about to blow the whistle on the Clinton Foundation have been found dead? Former Haitian official Klaus Oberwein down in Miami is one. (3) Investigative Journalist Jen Moore is another, found dead a week after her interview of a Bill Clinton rape victim. And, not Clinton-related but Mark Minnie in South Africa, found dead after publishing The Lost Boys of Bird Island. (5)
Seth Rich is only one whistleblower assassinated.
This is the Accountability phase of Ascension, where power transitions from dark to Light. It’s also called the “time of separation.” One could also call it a timeline split, I imagine. The Light forces take back power and the dark forces fall ever further behind, on a different course.
The train really is pulling away from the station, its release from the dark having been secured by brave White Hats.
What they’d welcome from us, I’ll bet, is to see that their contribution is known and appreciated. They could use our encouragement.
I believe we’ll need to do a fair bit of reassuring people. Hence the recent accent on producing as much literature as possible. There’s so much literature on this site, no one should be at a loss as to how to handle one question or another, provided it’s from the standpoint of the Company of Heaven.
In case you think things’ll settle down after this phase is complete, I don’t think they will. After the phases of Accountability and Abundance comes Disclosure. None of these is going to be smooth and calm, unless we make them so.
And that is our role, I think: To keep things calm and balanced, even loving and compassionate, if possible. To keep our heads when those around us may be losing theirs – right/left, Democrat/Republican, libtard/redneck, etc. Challenging assignment.
For the rest, some of us (social activists, reformers, judges, emergency services) may have to hear some pretty awful stuff – think #MeToo and the impact it had on us.
Most of us have never heard anything like what is being practiced “out there” and soon to be revealed. Never.
These brave men and women who are doing our “dirty jobs” have agreed to hear it, see it, and then respond on behalf of society.
They do it at considerable risk to themselves. They do it to their great honor.
(1) Perhaps no one else will hear them. In some cases, their lives may depend on them telling their story in enough detail to one other person that it could be understood. I was that person and my decision depended on hearing and knowing their story. For some it was plainly excruciating. One man dissociated telling what happened to his father and brother in Rwanda.
(2) “Sunday Night’s Matt Doran Goes Undercover with Operation Underground Railroad to Bring Down Haiti Child Sex Ring,”
(3) Tyler Durden, “Haiti Official Who Exposed The Clinton Foundation Is Found Dead,” Zero Hedge, July 17, 2017, at httpss://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-16/haiti-official-who-exposed-clinton-foundation-found-dead