Credit: McLaughery’s Blog
The Light Collective through Elza Ayres (aka Tazjima) said:
“Much of the human collective has not yet shifted into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension.” (1)
We can shift, but our belief systems and other filters prevent us from seeing and realizing the Fourth Dimension we’re in. Matthew Ward put the matter this way:
“Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise, the majority of the populace still is within third density awareness-wise.” (2)
From my own experience, which I’ll discuss in a moment, I consider that what Matthew says applies to our situation right now.
Everything below our mental being- the body, others, the Earth – is “located” in the Fourth, but our mental being doesn’t yet “get it.”
Instead, we continue to “believe into existence” (i.e., create) a Third-Dimensional world, which only exists in our own minds, a world of our own imagining and believing.
Here are examples from my own experience. Remember that awareness is my path. So I take my evidence from inner experience, particularly feeling states, moods, and attitudes. (3)
Here are my examples: Shame, worry, and fear disappeared from me, on three separate occasions, when I faced into them. I wrote up those experiences and stated at the time that the Fourth Dimension may be here and we may just not be seeing it.
These feeling states were shown to have no objective basis or ongoing existence, only a subjective “realism” or appearance.
I saw they existed only in my mind the moment they suddenly disappeared.
Where did they go? Why was I not feeling ashamed, worried, and afraid any longer? How could they have simply disappeared the moment I opened to them?
I think an unknown world, the Fourth Dimension, is available to us when we awaken from the self-created filters we wear at the moment, that cause us to live in a world of our own insufficient imagining.
I think this was part of what Albert Einstein was suggesting some years ago: “It is time to pay attention to what is being represented to you but that you have not adequately observed.” (4)
Or what Archangel Michael might have been referring in 2011:
“For years now we have been saying that the veil had been lifted. And from our perspective the veil has disintegrated years ago. And yet there are still many — most — upon the Earth that still say, with anxiousness and exhilaration and excitement, ‘Oh, the veil is dissolving!’ — The veil is gone.” (5)
The veil is gone. What exists now is only the screen, the filter of our own beliefs.
And by the way, I wear the same filters. I’ve only glimpsed the unreality of my feeling states on three brief occasions – and those some time ago. But I have glimpsed the New World of at least the Fourth. (6)
The only antidote I know of to living in a world of our own inadequate beliefs – our own belief bubbles – is to live in the present moment. (7)
The ego fears its survival in the present moment. To the ego, I suspect, that shows up like losing the battle – and rightly so. The world we enter when we live in the present moment is not one in which the ego plays a major role.
Living in the present moment requires dropping our old baggage, of whatever sort, (8) and becoming present, here, alive again.
Kathleen might say that the shortest route to living in that present moment, that magic, transformative moment of Now, would be to forgive everything. I think she’s right.
(1) “The Light Collective: On Expansion,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), November 29, 2013 at bluedragonjournal.com; reprinted as “The Light Collective on Who is Here and Why,”
(2) Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
(3) I believe the matter applies to other areas of life but I haven’t studied them. This is my path and area of expertise and the only one I can speak from.
(4) “Albert Einstein: The Nature of Life and Dimensions on Earth – Part 1/2,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/dimensionality/albert-einstein-the-nature-of-life-and-dimensions-on-earth-part-12/.
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 11, 2011.
(6) I also believe that the planetary heart opening, which is occurring gradually, will lead us all into and leave us in the Fourth Dimension. But I’m just guessing.
(7) “In the 17th century, it was about escape. Right now it is about being present.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.)
(8) Call them what you will, vasanas, sankaras, core issues, records, old upsets, war wounds, early-childhood trauma.