This is another FaceBook post by Magenta in response to a reader’s question on relationships and how they might affect our ascension process.
By Petra Pixie McGuire, July 30, 2018
Dear Magenta Pixie.
Question – Another spiritual teacher says if you are not living with your Twin Flame then you will not Ascend as you are not living your truth and you must leave your partner if you want to Ascend to the New Earth. I love my partner and we have a wonderful marriage but do I have to leave him if he is not my Twin Flame?
My response – The statement “You cannot ascend if you are not living with your Twin Flame as you are not living your truth” is an incredibly misleading, distorted and complicated statement. The statement itself needs to be rearranged in order to make cohesive sense. The statement that should be made here is:
“If you are knowingly and consciously remaining within a destructive, negative relationship then this MAY affect your alignment and integrity and thus your ascension.”
This is the only way the above statement can be justified in any accuracy. Even then, in the case of an individual remaining in a destructive relationship and NOT living their truth because of that – this does not mean they will not ascend.
There are many misleading concepts out there about ascension right now as we are in the time known as ‘the deluge’ and we are undergoing a ‘collective lesson in discernment.’
Regarding who is your Twin Flame and who is not, there are many perspectives to this. Please, do not leave a partner that you love very much and that you have a good relationship with in the belief that you will not ascend. This is a literal interpretation of multidimensional concepts. Your husband is both your Twin Flame and he is not your Twin Flame from different perspectives.
This is discussed, in depth, in my book ‘Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template’ in chapter 2 “Twin Flame Perspectives” and I would highly recommend you read this if you wish to understand the Twin Flame concept in more depth.
However, Jeff Daugherty (who I have recently had a couple of discussions/interviews with which can be found on both our respective YouTube channels) has made a few videos based on the concepts within the book in chapter 2 “Twin Flame Perspectives” These are his personal subjective interpretations and insights, however, they are very good interpretations and insights and I suspect will be very helpful to you in analysing and integrating the true meaning and essence of the ‘Twin Flame.’
Jeffrey Daugherty ~ httpss://