Every process of sharing I’ve been in runs by progressive revelation. People tell more and more about themselves, over time.
It used to be called “pushing your edge.”
I’ve tried to push my edge as far as I could stand – as far as the vulnerability produced doesn’t shake me to my roots.
And while you may not know it, your support and encouragement is what gives me the courage to risk, to push my edge in sharing more and more.
Later on when I’m overseeing financial matters of some importance, I’ll still be pushing my edge. That’s what my co-creative partners want and what I love, anyways. (1)
But right now I need to talk about your support in another area.
It’s the time of the month when we contemplate getting through another first of the month as we await the release of the Reval.
We exist on your donations. We know the Divine Mother wants us to do so to excite generosity among lightworkers.
We invite you at this time to contribute towards our upkeep for another month by making either a one-time or monthly donation to the blog.
And if you’re in the same position as us, please don’t feel bad that you cannot contribute. We’re all in the same boat. And soon the privation will be over.
We receive your love. It’s the New Visa: Spiritual currency.
Any amount of love or money is greatly appreciated, folks.
Click here to contribute to the Hope Chest.
The Hope Chest is a grassroots-funded program based on donations from readers of the Golden Age of Gaia.
To make a one-time donation, please choose “Make a one-time donation.”
To make a voluntary monthly donation/subscription, please choose “Make a monthly donation.”
There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
Your donations to “Site and Team Donations” pay site costs and provide a living wage for the small team of editors and support staff working for the Golden Age of Gaia and the Hope Chest.
(1) Twin Flame Annastara: One of the things that you do and which you will be doing is of course looking in the nooks and crannies, into the corners of your being because, as you do, you also allow others to. …
One of the things that you have done is you have paid attention to your here and now, to your time and space, rather than getting lost in either the future or the past. (Annastara in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through inda Dillon, Dec. 9, 2010.)
Annastara: You give [your readers] the clarity that there is far more than what is right in front of them. You give them the desire to explore, not your universe, but theirs, and more importantly their internal universe, their internal landscape and you stand there as guardian, as sentinel, allowing them to do that. (Annastara, ibid., Dec. 9, 2010.)
What you are really doing, is that you are giving a gift, first of all from your heart, you are sharing the joy of what is present in your life and you are saying, “See, miracles do happen and it is a joy to be in form, on planet, at this time!” And people have need of that encouragement. …
What happens when they are reading what you are going through is it gives them and encourages them to get in touch with their perceptions, their actions, their patterns, and their emotions. (Archangel Michael, ibid., April 24, 2015.)