Amazing Tale of Grandma
Defeating Rabid Bobcat with Bare Hands
is ‘The Kind of Story We Need Right Now’
GoodNewsNetwork, July 21st, 2018
This larger-than-life tale of a warrior grandmother defending herself against a rabid bobcat is an inspirational goldmine.
46-year-old DeDe Phillips was standing in the driveway of her Hart County home in Georgia when she saw a mangy bobcat approaching her.
Sensing that it was rabid, Phillips took a determined stance to defend herself—while not waking her grandchild sleeping inside.
She succeeded quite spectacularly.
Watch Seth Meyers re-tell the story below:
(Video contains mild cursing that is bleeped out.)
Bumper sticker on her truck:
Women Who Behave Rarely Make History!
Among the funny comments under the YouTube, I found that a GoFundMe page has been set up:
DeDe was attacked by a Bobcat that tested positive for rabies and now has to have treatments to keep herself safe.
The shots are around $10,000 for the sets and she needs at least 4 more.
As we all know money doesn’t grow on trees, so I’m asking on behalf of her and her family that you donate anything that you can!
She is a lady who would give you the shirt off her back and will drop whatever she is doing to come help!
I know because she has for me! She loves hard and is one heck of a woman!
She is also having to go to a orthopaedic doctor about her hands and will have to have some surgeries done after all the swelling and infection is gone.
She currently has very little use of them and is in a lot of pain.
She doesn’t have insurance so this is all going to cost a lot! So if you are able please help!
We also appreciate all the prayers we can get!