Called to Service – Washington, DC
Pt. Narendra Dutt Mishra, Rekindle Your Spirit, 8/7/2018
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Stunned, remembering the words of spirit and my incessant visions of lions I ascended the stairs to the pedestal and sat at the base of the statue, in the midst of the four lion guardians. Ahead was an unobstructed view of the Washington Monument.
I do not know much about this particular monument, but it’s obelisk shape with a pyramid top was very telling. I was guided to take off my shoes and stand barefoot on the marble pedestal. I did so with some trepidation- the sun was hot! I do not know whether it was a natural property of the marble or the work of Spirit, but the ground was cool beneath my feet.
I then did my usual invocations in preparation for energy work. Lord Ganesh, Archangel Michael and other Lighted Beings came forward.
Spontaneously I travelled in my astral form (as described in my journey while mourning) and found myself face to face with whom I instinctively knew to be top ranking Illuminati (1) members, also in Spirit. There were 2 maybe 3 of them. Their faces were indistinct.
I lovingly said onto them, “The game is over my brothers. Time to unmask and return to the Light.”
The Beings then seemed to drop their dark masks to reveal themselves as Lighted Beings. It appeared for all the world as though this was a play. Well, this cosmic drama of Light and Dark is a play indeed.
At that very instant, from somewhere in the city, bells started tolling. It was 1.45pm. After the experience I checked on those bells to ascertain the source. There are a few different sources around the White House, but none that tolls at 1.45pm! Whatever the reason for the tolling, the synchronicity was astounding.
“Behold,” I said, again in Spirit, “Divinity meets Divinity yet again.”
I was guided at that time to bring down the Reiki Lightning Bolt onto the Washington Monument, in a grand purification, anchoring the energies deep into the earth. I saw the bunkers underground being penetrated. I saw each building and each person in DC being penetrated and purified. The energy flowing through the crown of my head to my feet was intense, each cell of my body was vibrating. The entire city became bathed with Violet Flame.
There is one point I wish to make here about that Reiki Lightning Bolt. It was again given to me under unusual circumstances during my Reiki attunement, this time at the Master level. The normal course of things is that those being attuned will see this particular symbol on paper and be told of its use. It is never given energetically as part of the attunement process. However, as soon as I saw the symbol I knew I had to receive of it energetically in addition to the regular Reiki symbols.
I said as much to my Reiki Master, Sofia, and she was very reluctant, cautioning me at length as to why it is not given, and how much damage it can do if misused. At the end of it, after the attunement, she informed me that she did ask Spirit and received confirmation that I was to receive of the Lightning Bolt. Apparently I would need it to blast dense, dark energy as part of my work.
After bringing in the Lightning Bolt, I saw a beam of bluish Light come out of the sky, at an angle from the mid-heaven and hit the Washington Monument. There came then Spirit voices proclaiming the Lion of Sirius. Sirius is said to be the home of the Lion Beings. I knew then that the beam of Light came from Sirius.
I said again in spirit, “I claim this land in the name of the Lion of Sirius.” I thought that maybe I was a messenger for the Lion of Sirius, whoever that may be- the Chief or Emperor of Sirius maybe, or perhaps the group or planetary consciousness? I have no idea. Did I mention that my galactic heritage is Sirian?
My rational mind then wondered whether Sirius was in the sky overhead, as I instinctively knew. As a Vedic astrologer I should probably be aware of these things, but I don’t track these particular planets. I looked it up sometime after the experience and found that yes indeed Sirius was overhead. The Sun is currently in the sign of Gemini astronomically, and Sirius is right next to it. That explained the angle at which the Light came in, just off the mid-heaven.
Finally, I used my Divine Sceptre (2) to add to the Light hitting the Monument, and opened a Merkabah/Dual Torus gateway at the centre of the city, through which the Light poured out into the city. Finished, I replicated my astral form to remain in DC to continue working with the Lighted Beings present and I returned physically to the hotel, with none of my companions any the wiser. You just can’t share this with everyone.
I know for certain something big went on that day. It is too bad I do not have any information on the other Lightworkers who were present, physically or etherically. But I do know that I participated in something grand. I am honoured to have been chosen by Spirit for this.
Upon reflection, I do not think it coincidence that the most significant sign in my Vedic astrological chart, the ascendent, is Leo- the sign of the Lion. Also, the very first channelling I read which set me firmly on the path of awakening in 2012 was that of SaLuSa of Sirius, as channeled by Mike Quinsey. As I read SaLuSa’s message my pores raised, and I wept openly, my body racked by waves upon waves of unconditional love. My heart opened to infinity, and I drowned in an ocean of love, so pure, so sweet, that it belies description.
It seems to me as though I spent the last few years of my Lightwork in preparation for this. I have been guided to clear increasingly larger areas of land, from simple plots to entire regions. I have also been exposed to dealing with increasingly dark entities, from disembodied spirits to …
It seems now as I reflect upon my experiences, that Spirit was guiding me to successively more challenging cases, perhaps to build my spiritual muscles, or stretch the limits of my abilities.
This however, was an entirely new ballgame for me. I am still not sure what exactly happened. Is it that the entire top hierarchy of the Cabal relented? Or was it just the DC segment? I don’t know. Is it related to the Reval? I don’t know. I am not sure I have any real way of knowing either at this time.
I am sharing this with you because it gives me hope. As surreal as these experiences sometimes seem even to me, I have come to KNOW the TRUTH of them. I swear, if I asked Spirit for any more confirmations they’d find a way to hit me on the head! I trust that this account brings hope to you as well, that finally we may see the end of the Illuminati rule.
(1) The Illuminati are those elite members of the population who rule the world from behind the scenes. For those unfamiliar with the concept I strongly recommend watching the free online documentary Thrive.
(2) Retrieved while on a Spirit journey as I document in my ebook, Reflections on Mourning.