By Morag, July 3, 2018,
Here we go friends. The great shift is in full swing now! We are being transformed from the inside out. We were one thing and now we are becoming something quite different. Upgraded humans are walking among us, we are them, they are us. We are becoming a unity consciousness race.
Evolved beyond the terrors of the third and fourth dimensions. We are rising to higher dimensional wavelengths. The Blood Moon and spectacular Lunar Eclipse on 27th July mark the [?] of a great tidal wave of light. We are being propelled to raise our inner vibration in turn manifesting inner love to outer peace. We are transforming ourselves and our world. We are birthing the new earth.
The crystal children are here, awakening, and woke. They are here to change dark to light. To let Gaia breathe and unfurl her wings of true beauty and higher consciousness. The rainbow children, indigos and crystals know who they are, they are looking for guidance and direction from older starseed and lightworkers who have been navigating the matrix for many human years. They seek protection and love in a hostile world. Lightworkers shine your light bright and high for those golden shards of light dressed up as humans, looking to transform all around them from fear to love.
The matrix is trying to lock them up, lock them down, pull them apart. It seeks to question their sanity, to paint them as ill, dangerous and unstable. They seek to pharmaceuticalise indigos, to repress their light, to dim it and stifle it. But no one, not even the overlords, can put out the light of the rainbow children. Just as they failed to diminish the light of volunteers so too, they are desperate in their failure to switch off the rainbow children. They have arrived. We have arrived. You have arrived.
Jupiter’s Scorpio retrograde exit on July 10th will break us free from his determined pullback. Kicked off in early March we have been pushing through his cosmic cleanse. Global karmic purge. Secrets revealed. Truth exposed. Anger unleashed. Release from soul searching and the self doubt his karmic excavation has exposed. From hostilities and difficulties and confrontations. We are stepping into our power beautiful people. We are standing up and being counted. We are saying there are other species walking among us.
There are allies and enemies in the skies. We are saying the world is quantum not linear. We are saying it’s all about energy frequencies friends. The world is reeling from the truths being revealed and there are more to come. But awakening has taken hold, it is spreading like a virus through the matrix. The cabal know it. Chaos ensues. Breathe. Be the calm in the storm of cosmic evolution.
Gaia has had enough, she is shaking off the lower realms, breaking free from evil that has held her and us captive for too long. The skies buzz with angels and demons fighting it out for the dimensional sovereignty of planet earth and her people. Jupiter’s retrograde in dark, sharp Scorpio has done his part. He has brought his immense strength and power to Gaia’s ascension. His masculine courage and fearlessness have empowered many of us to face deep fears and see them through to the bitter end.
We all rise like phoenix from the flames of our own trauma and the traumas of the human race. We understand so much more than we did before. We regain our identity, our sense of who we are and what we are. This is all as it should be.
The indigo children are ready to restructure, redesign our cities, our energy, our technologies, our economic processes. They wait in the wings looking for the light of the volunteers who paved the way for them. Lightworkers shine your light bright, let them see us. Nothing will be random anymore, everything has meaning. We maximise our energetic field of light at this time, recharging our batteries for the coming Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse.
Drink water, avoid processed food and drink, meditate and be in nature. Embrace all Jupiter has to teach us about our world, accept irritations, release anger and frustration. The Jupiter Retrograde test is surrender. Surrender to our intuition, our instincts and to the ever shining light of our guides and higher self. We can hear, we can see, we can be fifth dimension. We can raise our vibrations instantly, just as they can be lowered by the matrix in seconds. We can take back the reigns, consciously reject fear and fury and fall in love with our own inner light.
What will this all look like? What does it look like? Like a radio we can tune our wavelengths into different frequencies. We can immerse ourselves in low vibrations keeping ourselves in dense murky karmic energy with hate, anger and fear. We can limit our own evolution easily. Or we can grab that dial and turn it waaaayyyyyy up. Let go of fear in every molecule and cell of our body. Banish it from our soul with mantras connecting to light, to love and to green fields of beauty and wonder.
Sunny afternoons become spiritual, nature transforms us with her organic frequencies of light. Concrete and crowds lower our vibrations. Know who you are, what you are and why you are here. Own it. The time is now, the event has been here for sometime, the evolution of a planet and her people is happening and we are there at ground zero riding waves of cosmic light. Our core strengthens, our heart opens and our third eye switches on. All three bring us to realms flooded by light.
The fifth dimension is here, the frequencies have pushed through the dense, manufactured atmosphere of the matrix. Penetrating the darkness with transcendent light. We can all tune up our frequency to the fifth dimension. For lightworkers, starseed and all rainbow children, higher dimensional wavelengths, spaces many call home, are readily accessible. Meditate love frequency friends and return home spiritually. Cloak yourself in the zen bliss of high dimensional realities, of peace, inner stillness, light body wonder and magic.
The event, a process in human years, has been underway for several decades and will continue for several more. As timelines switch and fluctuate rapidly, as each new individual takes their light to higher dimensions, all predictions are out the window. We have regained our sovereignty, we are taking back our free will and with that our timelines, our manifestation and our magic. Take me beyond is the mantra for this wave of immense light and high frequencies, take me beyond cosmic surfers! Namaste 🙏🏻