We are Light of the Father’s Light, Love of the Father’s Love, but, as I understand it, there’s a nexus or knot in consciousness that creates an illusory sense of separation between the two of us – in us, not in the Father, of course.
I’m beginning to suspect that that knot in consciousness is composed of our beliefs – primary among them the belief that we and the Father are separate.
When I go to drop the belief that I’m separate, a whole constituency of interests stirs. My cool dude comes up and wants to keep his look. My wounded child comes up and wants to enjoy the fruits of success a little longer.
On and on the less-than-pure actors go, all different faces of the ego, making a pitch to remain separate.
But I listen to none of them and let go of the belief that I’m separate from the Father. That belief no longer serves me, if it ever did.
Wave after wave of bliss washes over me. Wave after wave of gratitude flows out of me.
Having gotten back my vulnerability recently, (1) I find it easy now to relax into very pleasant states.
(1) “On 1, You’ll Wake Up,”