In this darkest hour before the dawn, I see shops closing all around me. Everyone is hanging on by their teeth, nails, tail, whatever they can grip with.
I keep hoping that the Reval – the river of gold – will come this month and then it doesn’t.
Because it didn’t, we must appear before you again to ask for your financial support so that we can stay together as an entity and a unity until the flood of abundance hits.
Asking my Dad for money was the worst possible experience I could have as a kid. I was at his mercy.
Here I am doing it at the other end of life … and I’m actually getting used to it. I’m getting through the vasana.
If you value what we put together, as you have your morning coffee, please consider making a donation towards our living expenses.
If you value it arriving on your doorstep, free of charge, like clockwork, do help us to keep going by making a contribution.
This is our job: We put together informative material, much of it original, designed to have us all arrive at the starting gate ready, willing, and able to build a new world. A Fifth-Dimensional world and hence a world that works for everyone. (1)
And we add some hopefully-clear explanations of sometimes-difficult spiritual subjects.
We offer reports from the other side as they come in to us – including helpful comments.
And discussions on how to manage, not “sudden wealth” (that’s a euphemism): A tsunami of abundance.
Lightworkers … you … are our spiritual family. We have no other. Our continuance depends on you.
Please make a difference in our lives by making a contribution.
With loving thanks,
(1) The phrase originated with Werner Erhard.