Did you know that the paraphrase, “As above, so below” comes from The Emerald Tablet? (1) The discovery of the tablet is shrouded in mystery and legend, but it does exist.
The full quote ~ “True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is the same as that which is below, and that which is below is the same as that which is above, for the performance of miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from the One, by the meditation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation.”
This ancient stone tablet speaks to the alchemical interaction between Celestial and Terrestrial affairs, which this blog has been based on since its inception in 2009. We’ve served as a bridge to our Heavenly and Galactic partners, encouraging normal, everyday relationships with them as friends and family.
We’re rapidly approaching a time when the shifting on Gaia is unmistakable and inescapable for all. There are a great many in the Human Collective who are just now seeking answers, wondering why we’re here and what the reason is for all the suffering.
Our “Contact Us,” on a weekly basis, sees new readers writing in with gratitude for finding us on an internet search. What may seem amazing to conscious veterans of the Ascension Project is that there are people just now waking up and seeking truth.
This Human gig isn’t a walk in the park right now, and we’ve grown accustomed to using the world wide web to find our answers. What we provide on the Golden Age of Gaia is Light Information, empowerment and inspiration to keep going.
In offering this Collective Service, we live our lives in trust mode that we’re in a solid partnership with both the Company of Heaven and with our readers.
It’s been a conscious choice to forego a regular paycheck and benefits. At this point, when we’ve departed for so long from conventional means of survival, going back really is not an option. We’ve been blazing a trail for all of us to do what we love doing, in service, and be supported in doing it.
We’re committed to assisting in the Ascension of Gaia and the Life upon her by means of keeping this blog operational. Our gratitude for your support is sincere and ongoing, and we appreciate the balance gained through this successful partnership.
Together as a unified collective, we can achieve anything we set our hearts on.
We’re asking once again for your financial support to keep us going until we’re in a position to be the donors and providers ourselves.
That time is coming…and we all wish for that time to be now. The good news is that our old systems are disintegrating as we speak. What appears as chaos is the necessary dissolution of what no longer serves. We’re getting there for sure.
With Love, all things are possible.
(1) Thoth [Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus], The Emerald Tablet at httpss://tinyurl.com/y7zf558p
Click here to contribute to the Hope Chest.
The Hope Chest is a grassroots-funded program based on donations from readers of the Golden Age of Gaia and listeners to InLight Radio.
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There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
Your donations to “Site and Team Donations” pay site costs and provide a living wage for the small team of editors and support staff working for the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, and the Hope Chest.