The uncertainty in the world still continues with no apparent end in sight. However, those who are working for peace and needed changes are hard working to ease Humanity into an era that must come, as the vibrations continue to lift up. The essential changes are in respect of those who are ready to take over important roles running the different countries. A few are still controlled by those who serve self and are not allowing democratic rule to take place. It will come because it has to so that despots and the like make way for those with a more liberal approach to politics, and put the people first.
You have now long passed the marker and the new approach to life must manifest very soon, and put you on track to achieve world peace. The first steps have been taken with the curtailment of the use of nuclear weapons. The mood on Earth has changed considerably and there is an upliftment towards global peace. As you must realise, you cannot undo centuries of antagonism and deceit at a stroke, it takes a change of leadership with those who see the greater picture and care for the Human Race. Suitable candidates are at the ready to emerge and lead you ever onwards, and manifest the benefits of new inventions that herald the arrival of the New Age.
The people of Earth have begun speaking with one voice and demand change for the better, and are no longer prepared to be denied advancements in many areas of technology that are deliberately held back. At the higher levels ideas are projected to those who can develop them, but hitherto very few have been allowed to see the light of day. Those with vested interests in maintaining the old ways that are profitable for them, are beginning to find it harder to thwart attempts to introduce advancements in technology and make them available to everyone. Progress cannot be stopped forever, and from the higher levels we are assisting and protecting those fearless ones who continue with their efforts to carry Humanity forwards.
The Earth continues its onward journey into new areas of space, and the new vibrations are playing their part in bringing changes about on a global scale. It is all part of the changes you brought about by lifting up your vibrations that took you out of the old ones, and onto the path of many changes that are yet to come but are in progress. Be assured many souls are working for your advancement, and have the authority to take whatever steps are necessary to succeed. You will therefore realise that you are never alone in your fight to remove the dark Ones, who will nevertheless use any actions regardless of the outcome to prevent your success, but they will not achieve their goal. On a Galactic scale the Blue Avians are still monitoring your Earth, and quietly observe all events on and around it. They await the outcome of changes that will in the distant future allow open contact with you.
The future lays very much with young people that have incarnated for the sole/soul purpose of speeding up the changes that will set the pattern for the future. They already have a different approach and view the problems currently being experienced, and are supremely confident that they can overcome them. Their presence is already being felt, and they are finding paths that will eventually put them in the forefront. Some ask what can such young people possibly know that will help us with our present predicaments, and the answer is that their present age is of no consequence as they are old souls with much experience of working with the Light, and are eager to apply their knowledge and skills to carry mankind forward. You will soon see them coming through as their achievements are noteworthy, and will soon become public.
The bad news invariably makes the front page headlines, and television news but before long there will be less interest in the sensational news that is often overstated. You might note that some of such newspapers are losing readers, who now seek real news and are also interested in global activities. The mood is changing and the truth is being demanded, as for too long you have been fed a diet of soap operas and events that have been sensationalised. Be assured that Editors are only interested in sales and soon change their policies when turnover becomes seriously affected. News and articles have been taken over by the Internet, and less and people buy newspapers, and in time they will virtually disappear due to lack of demand. In fact quite a number of things that you take for granted will change, but at the same time it will be moving you into the New Age. For example the combustion engine is doomed along with the many industries that have been grown up around it. You cannot stop progress whatever you do, it is far better to anticipate it and make the most of it so that you are not caught out.
In view of the success of making the first full message available to those of you who requested it. I will transcribe any future ones that I consider to be extra special, and will as before first send out an extract, and when requested a full copy. It means that the “extracts only” from a full message that I have typed out as below for example, will be clearly indicated as such. I will be including a message extract from time to time with my weekly messages. With those you have the title of the Kryon video recording as below, so that you can listen to the full message through the Internet.
I continue with the inclusion of an extract from a Kryon message as below, it is a short extract that is certainly relevant to our present period of time.
You are changing this planet that appears to be in trouble. Those who are creating problems in the world will come and go. Light is starting to make a difference over dark, and the dark is re-acting. Those who will not evolve or advance will disappear. In a free society and civilisation you must be left alone when it comes to consciousness, you must be left alone to decide. There is a barrier of isolation, and how we would love to reach through and turn on the Light. You have been told that Light is starting to make a difference over dark that it is reacting and continues to react in survival to save itself. By observing something you change its reality/attributes. You are designed to be here, there is a benevolence of God. You stand at the cusp of change.
For the full message simply enter the title in your Internet window. On occasions there will be more than one recording of the subject under the same title.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.