Having completed my father-hatred vasana at another, deeper level, (1) I’m awash in bliss.
There isn’t now the same resistance from my musculature that there had been. There aren’t the same holding patterns that there were. My breath is liberated.
I’ve noticed on other occasions that the breath being liberated results in a great expansion of awareness. (2) As tension goes down, awareness goes up.
Now bliss is easier to access. I simply breathe it up and it’s there. No resistance from any of the muscles of my body.
NOW I want to meditate. NOW I know what Michael meant when he said I must put time aside to experience and re-experience the bliss that I knew so well in late 2015. Indeed, I must.
Bliss is so satisfying a state that one wants nothing else but more of it. One never tires of it. It’s as if all our pleasure centers are simultaneously stimulated, but in a very pleasant way, as if stroked by a feather.
If I was guaranteed perpetual bliss, my life and strivings would be complete, all my ambitions settled.
And of course that is what we’re promised – Ascension to a permanent state of bliss, moksha, Nirvana, Sahaja Samadhi.
I know for a certainty that my fate is to go deeper and deeper into bliss. And for that to happen, I must set time aside to bathe in it.
(1) There always seems more to go. Unless that too is a vasana.
(2) Immediately prior to having a vision in 1987, I had had a full breath release at a rebirthing workshop. I was very familiar with how awareness is liberated when the breath is liberated.