(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)
Archangel Michael: Now the plethora of seeds, shall we say, that you have planted going right back, well, to childhood.
Steve: To age 7 [when my Dad first knocked my Mom unconscious].
AAM: Yes. So we know your mother, your father, Person A, Person B. Recently, and when I say recent I mean the past many years, these have had additional seeds and a great deal of fertilization both in the inner world and the outer world.
The heartbreak, the frustration with Person C; the transition to living alone (which was the best and the worst of times); Person D, which has been a heartbreak…
[Turning to] the work you have undertaken on my behalf, on our behalf, [it] aims at changing the world and bringing forth truth.
You have written of this and you have been diligent in this and there has been part of you that has said, “Oh God, why did I ever start? And why have there not been more clear evidences or events or shifts that we can point to?”
And the corruption and the greed and bloodlust in the outer plane which you have been dedicated to [stopping] and have witnessed in your previous [lives’] work, has continued on.
So it is not a matter of simply addressing, “Oh, I can pinpoint this seed that grew the dandelion” because you have had fertile ground.
Now I say this and in many ways it sounds horrendous, and that is why I suggest to you – no, I am telling you – do not forget all the good you have done and all the joy you have known.
But we are talking of your cancer. And cancer is not of joy. So let us continue.
The dandelion grows and it has this beautiful golden head, which one would assume is a beautiful head of joy, but which many are allergic to, interestingly enough.
And what happens is when it pops its head up through the ground and then begins to flower, then it becomes known in the physical realm as cancer.
It should be joy. It is not. It is a weed. But sometimes people think, “Oh look! There is a beautiful golden flower. There is nothing wrong with me” and they ignore it rather than begin to delve into the root system so that it may be extracted.
Very often – and I am not talking about your situation in this case – but very often in the Western medical approach what they do is they cut off the head of the flower and they forget the root. And so what we are talking about is [removing] the entire plant.
Now what happens if this beautiful flower is allowed to continue is that it of course turns to seed, to dandelion fluff and that is what you want to avoid because then the winds of change come along and blow it throughout your entire system. So it is important that it is dealt with prior to turning into seeded fluff.
What cancer is … is an unwillingness on the part of humans to address these types of issues of deep, profound disappointments, sadness, grief, sorrow, bitterness … terrible bitterness.
Not that it is evident in your persona. It is just a swallowing, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing and you thank me. “Lord, how much? How much am I expected to take here?”
And then me turning to you and saying, “Can you just take a little more?” And you are always saying, “Yes.”
Steve: Yes.
AAM: My beloved brother, my intention and my mission is not to destroy you, to use you up like cannon fodder. That would not be of love in any war of peace, any battle for truth.
Now the way you have been working with these inner issues is by going to the unconditional love [Steve: what I call transformative love], which has lifted you up to a vibratory rate that cancer cannot thrive in. But we want to be practical this day. Let us be clear.
As you also are doing this work, what it is doing is bringing to the surface into clearer evidence, the cancer and the dandelion so that it can be clearly identified and dealt with.
So has your count gone up? Yes. On a practical level, does this need to be dealt with in your realm and ours? Yes.
Because we understand your body has need of assistance and because you, who are a pillar and a pathfinder, are entrenched and have agreed to be in the physical realm.
But what you are also doing is you are teaching through role model, through example, how this emanates but also how it is eliminated.
So your question, “Has the oil been effective?” The answer is yes. “Has it failed”? No, but it is not of the rapidity that you require or that we require.
And you say, “Well, why is that, Lord? Why could you not infuse it with some of your energy and then it would be even more potent?”
The rate, at which you are dealing, not only with personal disappointments, but with other people’s disappointments, other people’s issues and global issues is faster (think of it as a race) than the oil can maintain.
Now I could say to you as the Mother has said to many, “I am putting you on sabbatical and you are to unplug and you are to simply focus upon this and nothing else until this is completely dealt with.” We both know that is not in your constitution.
Steve: Very difficult [I’m a Type A personality].
AAM: The resulting upset that you would experience from being put on sabbatical, temporary or otherwise, would only fuel the disappointment.
You have always been one that likes to be in the middle of the fray. It is who you are. It is who I am. Otherwise, I would go to some distant star and play my harp. It is not what we do! …
Deal with the bitterness, the disappointment and the feeling of responsibility, but, my beloved friend, my ally, many come to you with the weight of the world on their shoulders and we understand this. This is part of the mission and purpose. But it is not incumbent upon you to take on their burden. So please understand that.
Steve: Are you relating to Person E?
AAM: Yes, I am. That in some ways was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Steve: Yes, it was. Boy, I tell you that was an energy drain.
AAM: But it was an important lesson.
Steve: Yes, it was.
AAM: And so you cannot, not because you’re not of love but because if you are going to continue to exist in physicality, this is simply not something that you can do.
Steve: Yes, I did learn from that. I’m not sure how to avoid it in future but….
AAM: Become the observer. You have the ear. You have the heart. You send the love. You hold the love. You pray. You ask for help but you don’t take it on as your responsibility.
In some ways, dear heart, you had begun this lesson with Person F and feeling that it was up to you (and we have spoken of this) to rescue people. It is time to let the rescue modality go. (1)
And one more passage in which he reports on the surgery
Archangel Michael: I had to wrestle with St. Germaine to be the one to step forth this day, so he wishes you to know that he is diligently working upon you.
Steve: Oh thank you, St. Germaine. That’s wonderful and thank you for the operation too.
AAM: Your surgeon was a little resistant at first but then he let go. An interesting fellow, balanced in the male and female, but a very curious person. (2)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 5, 2016.
(2) Ibid., May 6, 2016.