I’m coming across passages in my readings which are intensely personal but extremely valuable.
They need to go onto the public record, as much as one side of me doesn’t want to do it.
In this one, Archangel Michael demonstrates how an archangel works with a cancer patient.
I had prostate cancer. We started out treating it with Rick Simpson (cannabis) oil but the cure didn’t go fast enough. Also, Michael wanted to put me on sabbatical anyways so for both reasons we elected to go for surgery. That certainly did lay me low for many weeks.
He explains the background of the cancer and reveals how much our guides are watching over us and pulling the strings.
Archangel Michael: Welcome home.
But it is not time and it is not within the realm of our creation or yours that you be returning home. So let us begin with that.
You have not incarnated to be removed, either by inflicted or imagined or created [forces]. (1) [You’re not] in physicality [for] anything less than perfection.
Now each being has their definition of perfection but we mean this in the most blessed and clear definition of the word.
That is the embodiment of your fullness, of your soul design and the anchoring of your mission and purpose upon this planet at this time as communicator, as pillar, as wayshower, as pathfinder, as creator and holder of this platform, as emissary and beacon for many.
Now does that mean that you are already in the fullness of your divine design and perfection? Well in fact, it does.
So there is alignment going on. Now let us talk about this because this is the elephant in the room, is it not?
In the divine design and perfection, it is not merely something to be grasped at or achieved or accomplished – and you know this. It has always been within your being.
Now has there been detritus/debris, disappointment, and might we even say, moments of the deepest despair? Yes. And has there been upliftment and joy and bliss and excitement and wonder and awe? Yes.
When we say to you that you are healing from these – what you can think of as implants (and not foreign implants) but nevertheless – seeds/implants, is what we would call them, of cancer, we do not simply mean this in euphemistic or metaphorical terms.
The more you are engaging in the balance – which is exactly what you have been doing – the more you are engaging in the love, it means there is no room [anymore, for cancer].
Now have you buried this cancer deep within you by an unwillingness to engage it? Yes. But that is not entirely incorrect. Now does it need to be looked at, not engaged with, but looked at and eliminated a little further? Yes.
Think of it in this way. It is like a corner of your house, of your home, of your apartment that you are not attending to. You are not taking the flashlight into the corner and cleaning out the dust and dirt that has gathered. Is it a crime? Of course not! But is it desirable because it sullies your house? Yes.
But you have been healing on the most fundamental and necessary level of all. And is it [exhibiting], and will it exhibit in the physical? Yes.
So let us begin there with your questions.
Steve: Has the Rick Simpson oil failed?
AAM: No, it has not failed but it has not been entirely as quick and productive in the physical realm as desired.
Now let us be clear because one of the things that this oil works very well upon is the mental/emotional. That is – well, there are other aspects to this and it is complex – but let us suggest that the healing that has been taking place in these primary fields has been, not 100% successful, but certainly going quite dramatically in the right direction.
Steve: Even though my [PSA] markers have gone up from 14 to 20?
AAM: Your markers are going up because you are bringing things to the surface.
Now we would like to really talk about this and we know that you are anxious for some very clear answers and you need them.
You have been bringing up to the surface in the physical realm these … think of it as a blossoming or a seeding. Think of cancer in this way, as a dandelion that you plant with a seed or a root and it takes root and it begins to grow within your being.
It is important, my beloved friend, that you understand because you know them [life disappointments], but let us talk about them frankly this day. (2)
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) That’s why I say, want the best chance of travelling safely on a plane? Travel with me. I’m not going anywhere.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 5, 2016.