Solar Gateway Influx: Coherence Effects
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Deep gratitude to all who are holding focus during this Gateway by calling in and forth these highly refined frequencies. Integration requires much rest, calm, time in nature and meditation.
Remember the message *Some of these energies can only be integrated in dream state.* The sleepiness is palpable, like a drug. Embodiers will feel this more than others, as the HUman conduit function is affecting the entire HUman heart grid. Our Lightbodies are changing to compliment the activated crystalline structures within. This is unfolding rapidly with the band of light we are traversing at the moment. Honor it with extra sleep, rest, yoga/flowing movement and meditation.
We are moving into a more coherent state of Global Unity Consciousness as the Primary Timelines raise the trajectory for all. Allow stillness with the Higher Self. Let the Light change you.
Solar flaring continues, increases as *Sunspots appear out of nowhere,* a side-effect of the Stargate opening last weekend. Notice how different the flaring feels right now; these pure photonic plasma fields are laden with consciousness-shifting, veil-dissolving codes which affect physical realities. This is the flashing activity that many of us experience in the subtler realms, physicalized as a hearts-up for all concerned.
We were alerted to this passage, which continues through the Full Moon next Tuesday, in order to prepare for a much higher collective trajectory shift in June. In our Divine Service, we continue to raise as many onto the higher timelines as possible.
A video about the New Earth Now experience will be released this weekend. Kindwhile, let us maintain our calm focus on this influx. SUNday Unity Meditations will be focused on peace as always, and we will distribute these new embodiment codes through the HUman Heart grid.
Blessings upon all of creation for this transformational experience!
In Love, Light and Service,