Increasingly in the years ahead, I’ll be asked to keep secrets.
Meanwhile my vasana from early childhood, after keeping domestic violence a “family secret,” was that I wouldn’t keep any more secrets. I chose transparency instead.
Since then, I’ve learned that keeping secrets increases muscular tension and decreases awareness.
I once asked Archangel Michael what the way was to keep secrets without paying a price in tension and awareness.
His answer was very helpful.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 3, 2015.
Steve: What is the way to keep secrets and yet not lose awareness because of it; for all the holding patterns, muscular tension, and drop in awareness that comes with withholds…
Archangel Michael: Drop into your heart, consulting your mind and consulting your emotional fields as well.
Let us experiment. Think of it in terms of the clarity that I attempt to bring to you (I would think I do bring to you!).
When I suggest to thee that something is not for public consumption, what I’m suggesting to you is that it is a secret, is it not? Between you and I and perhaps some others.
Steve: Of course. There may be some people with a need to know, like XXX, for example.
AAM: Yes, but it is discernment in that situation. When one is told a secret, whether it is from me or the Mother or the guides or a friend or colleague, you take it into your heart and you say, “Am I prepared to truly keep this in confidence?”
The heart will tell you, with consultation of mental/emotional fields, whether you are prepared to or not.
Steve: Well, you already have the secret so…
AAM: What people have need to do, prior to sharing a secret, is to ask permission.
Steve: Right and then I go into my heart.
AAM: Yes, it is unfair treatment and this happens all the time in the human realm. So part of what you are going to be doing is re-training others.
They will tell you something and say, “But I want you to keep it a secret”.
It needs to be prefaced by saying, “There is something that I wish to discuss with you that I wish to have kept a secret or in confidence or confidential.”
And then you think. Now you know what is coming before it is said. You go to your heart and you get that very clear “yes” or “no.”
It is not just in the heart. It is mentally, “Is this going to work for me? Is it going to work for them? Do I feel emotionally equipped to keep yet another secret? Is it a secret, a confidence that is protective or is it simply a withhold?” And there is a world of difference to your heart.
If it is “no,” then say no! Not all information is to be shared equitably or freely. If one cannot declare [it] in ways that are open and free, then you have need to discern whether [keeping the secret] will be a boon to you or a burden.
Steve: Yes, okay, that is very clear.