Again, following on from my discussion of peace with Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, May 17, 2018, I notice how hard it is to “take charge of oneself,” to take control of one’s words and behavior.
I cited the example of my waiting-line behavior. Sometimes I’m the cosmic cop and sometimes I’m the cosmic bandit.
Why don’t I call myself on it? Why don’t I ask myself to stop? Why do I wait for others to do it?
I don’t call myself. Instead I run the same behavior day after day after day. And I’d continue on indefinitely unless and until I’m called.
But it’s costing me. It costs me joy, peace of mind, satisfaction, loving-kindness.
Enough, already. As Jim Carrie said, “I hold myself in contempt.” I am guilty as charged.
I need to do something about my own behavior if I want joy and peace of mind.
And certainly if I want credibility in events coming down the pike.
Time is running short and there’s so much house-cleaning to do.
What do I want to leave behind and what do I want to take with me?