Kryon continues to give revelations of the intended future for us. Gradually we are learning more about the Pleiadians our forefathers and obviously it is sensible to ensure we know what part they will play in our future evolution. We have had little knowledge of our history, but slowly and surely we are now being made aware of it.
We are beginning to open the door to remarkable information that makes you so big, and yet at the same time you realise what is going on and we will start this way. The Universe is old and the Galaxy the same age. This Galaxy has been finished for over 4 billon years, and in some places the solar systems around the stars completed, and while this Earth was still forming there was life elsewhere.
All of it was designed for you, it was designed for today. When the Pleiadians showed up they had been through thousands of years of evolution after they had passed their own marker, in their own way, on their own planet. They used the physics of consciousness to be able to make what they needed literally from the consciousness of their minds, to shape that which you would call the reality of travel.
There were three Pleiadian planets by the time you were seated around the same set of Suns, and before them they had their “seed parents” who went through similar things, and before them they also had their seed parents. Billions of years of Humanity on their planet knowing God before humans ever showed up. There is a lineage in this Galaxy which is remarkable. The Galaxy is old – and you are not, yet human beings had to come from somewhere. What you brought to this planet was a Star Akash, because you had participated in so much of this life.
You human Beings represent the lowest spiritual consciousness in the Galaxy. The Pleiadians came here without craft and seeded you and you cannot go back. God is in you and the higher the consciousness the more you meld into God. The Pleiadians are not Gods and represent the Great Central Source for a task they have performed for you, and with free choice if you survive what is coming, the task will be on you some day to do the same for someone else.
You are protected and the ones who have the highest consciousness in the Galaxy are still here, and it is enough to scare away anything that would visit you. As you grow you help others and the Pleiadians left time capsules that have caused you to look for God. The new template calls for peace, and the awareness that peace is the strength of humanity and not war. The old template gave you free choice, whereas the new template starts to rearrange what is important to the psyche of human beings, and goes beyond survival.
Here are some potentials for what happens next. In some countries there are some old energies on the planet, and there is old leadership doing their best to pull you backwards. There will be a consciousness of Humanity that understands that putting things together and all growing countries will bring peace. Start thinking of the future with the eyes of a Galactic citizen, not an Earth citizen – you have been through it before, old soul.
There is one way to get all of the resources together and is not war, it is to put all of the countries together and share them. Inventions are coming your way for energy that will cost very little, not on a grid system but individual neighbourhoods, water for everyone through inventions, some of them without pipes. These are things to look forward to – pulling moisture and heat from places you do not pull it from now, and having it free.
The curing of disease through processes that were hidden from you before, that are natural and have no side effects. The Pleiadians went through it, they are just like you and there will come to you some science from former Pleiadians who will pop in as “walk ins” and do the work, and give you the inventions. One of them is a Pleiadian coming back and his name is Tesla, he will give you the Quantum when you are ready.
Say “Goodbye” to the old energy that will keep you in the dark lifetime after lifetime, say “Hello” to an energy you do not expect, it allows you to call upon your Akash for what you deserve, and have learned a mine of knowledge, wisdom and experience that you can now call upon like the Masters.
In general terms much information is given by Kryon from time to time, informing us as to what we may expect in the near future. The weather is slowly changing and in most people’s time it will get colder. Kryon points out that we will need more energy – free thermal energy that is available from the Earth itself. We are told how to extract it and heat our homes, and you have to build an extractor to get it. With it you can drive turbines and create electricity that will create heat.
Global warming is part of the cycle that always was. It is the waxing and waning of the Water Cycle, evaporation that has been here before.
There is a mandate to change your energy as what you put into the air is significant, before it is a hazard to your health and hurts Humanity.
Information is given of a new way of desalination that is nanotechnology, using it as “robotic” technology, in a way that unlike our present expensive methods is very cheap and also enables the salt extracted to be used for other purposes.
Kryon points out the need to be ready for big changes in our lives, and the need for new integrity in business.
Life continues as ever with uncertainty all around, yet underlying it is a progressive move to bring about the changes that are needed and have been expected for quite a long time. Many go unreported but when the time is considered right the truth will eventually come out. Regardless of how events are reported and at times they are far from the truth, as those who work for the Light continue to make advancements for the long awaited changes.
It will have been worthwhile as it will mean the dark Ones have lost their power to dictate the future of mankind. The new Republic is waiting in the wings to announce the changes and all seems set for the first stages of them that will show beyond doubt that a new phase has commenced. It will mean that there is no going back to the old ways of deceit and suppression of the truth.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light