St. Germaine invites us to claim our true essence and experience the joy of the ascended self and fulfill our sacred purpose as the embodiment of Nova Being.
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Greetings, I am St. Germaine, keeper of the Violet Flame, treasurer of the I AM Presence, and again I greet you, my beloved friends, brothers, sisters, family, hybrids, angels, earthkeepers; you are miraculous. I come this day to simply remind you of the joy of being alive.
And yes, I say that from one that is in another realm, dimensional reality, but I have walked this planet many times, and yes, there have been times when I tired, and shall I say very bluntly – got fed up with the way in which humans tended to proceed. But even in that, even in the sometimes ridiculous nature of human choices of being agents, this beautiful planet has always been the place to be; the planet that was created for the experience of love.
Beloved ones, how can it be any better? How could it be more fulfilling? Well, one of the ways in which it could be more fulfilling is in the claiming, the full anchoring, not merely of your I AM and the I AM, but of the joy – of the sheer joy of being in body, of being on planet, of being with human beings and elementals, and all the kingdoms. To have this experience when we have joined, whether it has been in the ancient Atlantis or the various civilizations or the corner of France we have always embraced what was physical.
Even when the healing work was of the most esoteric nature, when the creation was out of sheer energy what we reveled in, what we took joy in – supreme happiness, was the gift of the physical; of the feeling of skin, the sparkle of an eye, the texture of velvet or a blade of grass.
The sense of community, and when I say community I do not simply mean those that agreed with me because sometimes the liveliest most expansive situations and environments were those where those around me were not in agreement, not interested in what I had to say or teach or experience or share because we were the catalyst to one another.
And in that different respective, different points of view, yes, even yes within the practice of tolerance, we would see that there were other choices, other potentials, other possibilities and it would invite us – engage us in looking beyond our own realm, our own experience and see that truly in the Mother’s infinite creation it was always more.
And this is particularly true for you, my beloveds as you live on a planet that has developed many different cultures; so many different experiences, so many different walks of life, each of which has the full potential for joy, particularly now as the new energies, the new beginnings penetrate the entire planet. And there is truly a sense of a new day and that new day is not of lethargy or sorrow or despair. It is a potential and new beginnings, new experiences, new expansion, new adventures and the fulfillment of your sacred purpose and might I say, our sacred purpose.
You get a determined, committed implementer of the Mother’s Plan, but you are also the most adventurous. And might I say the luckiest, for not only have you volunteered, you have been selected to bring forth the joy of ascended self, of Nova Earth, of Nova Being and the truth and beauty of Gaia. Claim your joy. Not when it is all done and over with, but each and every day. Look around you. There is always something within me, and around you in the eyes and the smile of a cat or a crow or a human being to make you smile and see the magnificence of Mother/Father/One creation.
It is a gift, and you, beloved one, your sacred self, you are a gift to us and to each other and to your sacred self. Go with my love and go sweet angels, in peace, in joy, in revelry, in laughter. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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