Credit: Semantic Mastery
My normal, everyday life is stressful.
Once the Reval has come, well, perhaps it’ll be a new and different form of stress. But at least the worries over just getting by will be gone.
Stress is so insidious. It’s like swallowing kryptonite. The weakening of the will comes from within, from something experienced as internal.
We’re being sapped of strength from inside. We’re definitely doing it to ourselves, factoring out a few things like decades of financial exploitation by the cabal.
I lay in bed this morning – again just three hours short of a reading with Archangel Michael – and asked to be freed from this stress. I said I could not stand it another moment.
I invoked the Law of Intention and the Divine Mother, to fulfill my intention to be stress-free.
I invoked the Law of Elimination and Sanat Kumara asking to have all stress eliminated, now and forever.
I invoked the Law of Karmic Dispensation and Archangel Michael to free me from any karma that might be causing stress.
I went before the Karmic Board and asked for release from all karma.
And then I lay back on my pillow.
Within five minutes, all stress was gone. (1)
My insides still hurt a bit from my muscles having been tensed for so long at a low but chronic level.
I also notice a residual conditioning towards feeling stress, even when all reasons for it were gone.
The automatic tensing of certain muscles is an aspect of what Wilhelm Reich called “character armoring.” (2) But that’s all that remains.
I’m just making a note in my Ascension Diary that this stuff works. It really does.
Note to self: Keep invoking universal law.
One hour later: When I now breathe love up, the love that arises almost sweeps me into unconsciousness. My baseline of experience, floor of emotion seems stable. I feel very peaceful.
(1) Here is what AA Michael said about it in the reading:
Steve: Did you take the stress away from me this morning?
Archangel Michael: Yes, well, I assisted somewhat but truly it was the gift of Sanat Kamara.
Steve: Oh, thank you very much, Sanat and yourself! That was a really interesting demonstration. So if I repeat the invocation of universal law when I feel that stress, it will do the trick? Is that correct?
AAM: It will disappear.
Steve: Oh, that is so welcome, Lord. I already have written an article on it.
AAM: Yes, you are quick off the mark, sweet one! (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 2, 2018.)
(2) If we chronically tense up certain muscles, they become set in a form of “character armoring.” This suit of armor protects us from certain vasanas or core issues being triggered by having us tense up, preventing emotions from flowing, and focusing the mind.
However the tensing reaction can become habitual and can continue firing, I now see, even after stress itself is gone. It results in all manner of aches and pains and illnesses.