I was grousing to Archangel Michael about something in a personal reading in 2015 and what he responded has stuck with me ever since:
“Do not despair, my friend, and do not turn away for our work is not yet done.” (1)
If ever a phrase tripped a switch and awakened some latent quality in me, the phrase “our work is not yet done” did. I still don’t know why.
Perhaps it’s saying it is “our” work, that I’d be so blessed as to be working with him. Perhaps it’s being noticed, being comforted, being inspired. Perhaps it’s the sheer mystery of talking to a celestial being and hearing words like that. Whatever it is and was, I’ve been inspired by his words ever since.
And this has happened over and over with … he wants us to be less formal (2) … Michael. Another example was when he said to me, “do not get distracted.” (3) Somehow the words resonated and stayed with me ever since, out of all proportion to what you’d think upon hearing them.
Perhaps there was an energy added to them because the words themselves don’t explain their impact.
It was as if he offered me the solution to a puzzle I didn’t know I faced. Immediately some part of me responded as if in the presence of a truth of some import, which I didn’t need to understand.
It was also as if he got right into my hard wiring and rewired me. Or into my operating system.
Do not despair. Do not turn away. Do not get distracted. Our work is not yet done. New commands for those divinely-settled parts of myself, in Her Majesty’s Not-So-Secret Service.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2015.
(2) Steve Beckow: Are you okay with the four-part article on ignition?
Archangel Michael: Yes.
Steve: Okay. I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.
AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar.
Steve: Okay, I get that. Thank you. (Ibid., Jan. 3, 2017.)
(3) Ibid., Feb. 20, 2018.