I’d compare my spiritual practice to a person walking on two legs or a bird flying on two wings: (1) is letting go of vasanas or core issues, what the ancients called “impurities,” and (2) is drawing the love, bliss, and joy up from my heart and sharing it with the world.
The first is the dropping of everything that weighs us down and keeps us dense.
The second is expansion into the eternally-unfolding divine qualities, the forms that love takes.
That for me is a perfectly-balanced spiritual practice.
The significance of seeing this formula is rippling through my consciousness and body as I write.
Drop everything that weighs us down and keeps us dense.
Open to, expand into the eternally-expansive divine qualities, the forms that love takes, which flow from or are found in our very own hearts.
Let go of what holds us to the shore and dive into the Ocean of Love, the inner tsunami.
Leave the shore and dive into the Ocean of Love. That fulfills and completes the basic spiritual movement of turning from the world to God.
I feel a sense of certainty around one aspect of my sacred purpose: To let go of what holds me to the shore of the world and dive into the Ocean of Love.