Credit: The Event Chronicle
This four-part series features some detailed and helpful discussions from Archangel Michael of what Ascension as a process will be like and what will result.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 21, 2015.
Steve: Some people are thinking that if a person ascends they don’t come back. If they go to the Fifth, then they’re in the Fifth. They’re not in the Fourth so they don’t have anything more to do. They’re gone.
AAM: That is incorrect.
Steve: Okay, maybe you could address that? I’m sure there are people who want to know about that.
AAM: First of all, many, many of you are already in the Fifth Dimension and have been for some time. Some of you are in the Seventh. Many of you are in the Sixth. You are in the process of shifting. (1)
What you want it to be is a new room, a new closed door. But the reality is that you are flowing back and forth, that you are in movement because you have committed to assist all of humanity.
So are you in a different, what you would think of, as mindset, heart set? Existing in a different dimensional reality that allows clearer flow? Yes.
But it does not eliminate the other dimensions. That would be [restrictive]. And that is not the intention of the Mother’s creation of this planet. It is that you do experience all of the dimensions.
You anchor with Gaia. And many of you are already there. But it does not mean that you have forgotten or you choose never to visit the other realities. It does not mean that you are not aware of the beings of humanity that are still clinging to the old Third that has long since evaporated.
You are thinking of yourselves as unidimensional [rather than multidimensional]. And you are still thinking of it in terms of a hierarchy [rather than a circle]. That is incorrect.
Steve: So it is different environments like Beauty (Tenth Dimension) and Mastery (Eleventh Dimension) and Unity (Twelfth Dimension) …
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: … And different experiences.
AAM: … Different experiences, certainly a broader realm of talents and capacities because the energy is not restricted. But it does not mean that you are stuck anywhere!
Steve: Well, on the other side [i.e., the afterlife], a person that resonates in the Astral Plane cannot go to the Buddhic Plane, for instance, without protection. You just don’t walk onto the Causal Plane or the Mental Plane.
Now isn’t it the same case here that a Fourth-Dimensional person cannot just go to the Seventh Dimension and reside there for any length of time?
AAM: That is correct but what you are doing is preparing yourself, expanding your reality, expanding your transformative heart, expanding your understanding of unity, of joy, of bliss, to truly be able to hold and absorb and experience the energies of the other dimensions. So you are expanding and growing into it.
Steve: Is this new? Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?
AAM: Yes, it is brand new.
Steve: … Brand new, and the rules have changed?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: Okay, we must have another discussion about that on another occasion. I wonder if it will be appropriate to talk to Sanat about that on An Hour with an Angel.
AAM: Yes, it will be very appropriate.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Matthew Ward has said:
“Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise, the majority of the populace still is within third density awareness-wise.” (Matthew’s Message, October 19, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.)
I have found that I may be feeling and thinking in Third Dimensionality, but the outside world is in Fourth. When I feel into one of my emotions, it quickly disappears showing that only my mind seems to be in the Third. The outer world seems to be in the Fourth. There is still more waking up that needs to occur.