We’ve all probably had the experience of coming out of something.
I certainly have had the (public) experience of coming out of my hatred for my Dad.
And I’m watching a friend unfold or come out of a lifetime of either no love and attention or else seriously-negative attention and I must say I find the process amazing to watch.
We seem to want to emerge a step at a time. Oftentimes, in the presence of listening, we seem to express as much hatred, fear, and anger as we feel comfortable with and then that’s all we can take of the process for that day.
We then seem to go away and integrate what we’ve learned. And then we do it again.
Most people don’t get a listening. At the most they get a conversation, which goes this way and that. At the worst, they get advice.
Consequently most people don’t get to lay something out on the table and see the whole picture. So nothing really gets resolved over the years.
We progressively get fossilized or coralized. We develop a hard shell around our thoughts and feelings. That’s when people “get old.”
When we do get a good, long listening, we often have amazing and healing insights and breakthroughs. And we don’t seem to “grow old.”
That was the fate, I think, of many of my parents’ generation. No words to express their feelings and no one listening anyways. “Oh, that’s alright, dear. You’ll get over it.”
The process of emergence or unfoldment is accelerated the more listening we get. The next time we let out our hatred, fear, or anger, the more we let out and the faster we get through it.
Perhaps trust in the listener has been established. Or perhaps we feel more courageous having sallied forth at least once. Or perhaps we simply recognize the great opportunity a good listening is.
This is all part of the process that I call emergence. One has to emerge before one can merge with anything or anyone else. If the person isn’t “present,” what is there to merge?
So emergence precedes mergence. And we seem heaven-bent to emerge. I see people doing it all around me. We haven’t created a safe place and environment for emergence to take place socially, as far as I’m aware.
However I think the pressure to emerge will be felt more and more strongly in the weeks and months ahead. And our listening to others is what will speed their unfoldment.
Everyone seems to be finding their voice or trying to. I just had a significant wrangle offline that helped me to stand forth in my speaking. Nothing like a good challenge to have us stand forth.
I’m sure it was planned for exactly that purpose.
This is the time for us to stand forth, emerge, find our voice. This is not a time to dismiss ourselves or discount ourselves, except if what we say is accurate and sincerely meant.
Otherwise this is the time to let our fears go and take command, not of others any more, but of ourselves. (1) The signs, the unexpected events and “coincidences” are pointing to it.
(1) Remember what the Arcturians said:
“You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling.” (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, Nov. 8, 2013.)
“You have to be the master of your consciousness at all times.” (Ibid., July 22, 2014.)