Strong New Moon, Solar Activity and Gateways Ahead
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Gatekeeping has revealed strong activations of the deep, ancient sites (pyramids, octahedrons, crystal beds and aquifers) during my travels in the crystalline corridor. April 17-19 is on the Gatekeeper radar, and Solaris has sprouted a new SUNspot which may deliver the activation codes we are seeing in the Cosmic Stargates.
All of these continual amplifications – the Solar flashing activity, the ancient grid activity, the crystalline grid activity – are supporting our embodiment of Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness. The Sacred Marriage of Higher and Lower Self with the Godhead, Pure Source consciousness, is presenting strongly as the New/Next-Level Lightbody activates. The consistent 5D/7D/9D anchoring happening through Gaia and her Lightservers (those in service as pure conduits of the organic Ascension) can be amplified by completely embracing Unity consciousness in the Now.
Opening the crystalline pathways/bridges to the New Earth realm is top priority for Gatekeepers at the moment. This will greatly enhance the 5D experience as a palpable experience for the awakened, and supports those Wayshowing the new Lightbody level. That activity is fascinating and deeply activating; we are re-discovering our skill sets, as well as creating new ones with our future Selves.
However, the parallel and supportive activity of Unity in every word, thought, feeling and action is paramount to activating all willing hearts of the HUman Heart grid. This Divine Service is working, keep refining and adjusting to the Higher Self level as it presents. And it will present strongly this week!
Saturday and SUNday Activations
Kindwhile, a large group of the Light Tribe will be amplifying Ascension codes, timelines and activations on behalf of all this weekend in Sedona. Join in the SUNday Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. They will be powerful, and we will also have a group calling in the highest trajectories during the New Moon on SUNday at 7pmPT.
The Crystalline Bridge article series will resume next week. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,
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