A picture is worth a thousand words. And a thousand pictures is over the top.
Go to ” 27 ” and watch dozens of top-ranked news reporters reading from the same script.
I haven’t seen anything get across the control of the media by some three-letter central agency as dramatically as this does.
BTW, they’re attributing fake news to us, the alternative media.
The tactic of accusing your opponents of what they accuse you of has been called “the mirror effect.” Russia and the United States regularly use the tactic “diplomatically.”
Kathleen points out that, if we accuse someone of something, we must have known that something ourselves. And we cannot have known it unless we practiced it at one time.
This video gives a depiction of a society that has lost its moorings through the polarizing actions of accusing, blaming, and shaming each other.
But it also reveals the tight scripting of the daily news.