(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov 10, 2011.
There are some essential ingredients that we wish you to pay attention to [in responding to Ascension].
First and foremost, anchor in your heart, deeper than you thought was possible. Feel all the cords, and I will be with you cutting them very rapidly. And what you have to do is simply say, yes, yes, yes, yes.
All the cords to old Earth, including your idea, some belief systems you may have had about your old self, let it all go. It will feel like you are going through a shower, a light shower.
Anchor firmly. Drop your cord deep into the heart of Gaia. After we have cut the cords, anchor. You do not wish to do this Ascension process not anchored to her, for you will be spinning off into space. That is not the intention of this process. When you feel fully connected, nurtured, with Gaia, then allow yourself to go up the sacred spiral to the place of Unity, of One, to the Heart of all.
Do not question whether you are able to do this. This is not a mental process. And if you falter at any moment, turn to us, because we are all in attendance. Yes, all of us. So then, anchor in the heart of One. Then simply feel yourself as if you are drifting down the sacred spiral, staying within, into the fifth. So, anchor, ascend, drift back. Do not come back to Three [i.e., the Third Dimension]. It is over and done with.
What will be different? We have suggested [that] you will feel a sense of disconnection. And we want you to. That is your – what is your expression? – high five that you have arrived! You will feel that there is a different sensation in what you think of as your five senses, that you are hearing, seeing, perceiving differently.
Do not try and immediately navigate your new reality. Allow yourself to anchor knowing that Gaia is grounding you and has chosen to give this gift to you as you are giving it to her. Allow yourself to anchor and to feel … well, we would say a sense of solidity underneath your feet, even though if you allow yourself to look, you will see things differently.
You can give it solid form if you wish, but you will also see the molecular, subatomic patterning of whatever it is you are looking at. And what else is you will begin to see quite clearly – not in an overwhelming sense of a way, because we are being very careful with this attunement, but – you will begin to see many of us.
No, it is not your imagination, dear friends. We have always been here. And we have told you for a long time that even in the Third reality the veil had been eliminated, but in the Fifth it was never even invented. It was never constructed.
So there will be a sense of greater vision. You will look at things – whether it is nature, birds, animals, tables – and you will simply perceive them differently. And you will perceive the life force, the sacredness, not only in your fellow human beings. Yes, you are not being sent on a solitary journey. So there will be a difference in perception. The greatest gift is clarity, and it is the clarity not only of the integrated heart, but the integrated being, the deepening of connection to all.
So when you are looking at things, they will look differently. You will say, I never noticed that tree, or that mountain, that way. But the biggest shift, my dear hearts, is in how you will feel. (1)
You will feel that you have enough energy to climb Olympus. You will feel that much of your aches and pains that you may have carried with you in the Third are simply dissipating. You will forget them. (2)
Now, you are not forgetting what you have left behind. And for you who are the way-showers, amongst the first, it is important, because even if you are not a gatekeeper, you are holding the energy for so many. You are not participating any longer in the energy of the Third Dimension. That is over and done. But that does not mean that you are not aware of what is transpiring.
But your sense of involvement, and certainly emotional involvement, will simply not be there. And it is not intended to be there. It is not part of that dimension [Fifth] or that experience. It cannot be.
So it is a letting go, but it is also a remembering, or a vision, and a holding of the higher truth of what is being accomplished. And when you are holding that energy, you are beckoning energetically to millions. Yes, each one of you.
Is it a big job? Yes. Is it an adventure? Yes. Is it doable? Beyond a shadow of any doubt.
So let that doubt be given to me. As you go to sleep tonight, let us begin this process of cutting cords and letting go. Stay in the love. Stay in the truth of who you are. (3)
(To be concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) It always seems to boil down to how we feel. That seems always the most important thing. I can’t think of anything more important.
(2) I already am able to shake my leg and a morning ache will instantly go. Same with my arm.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 11, 2011.