Mommy, what is this?
Once Disclosure happens, many Gaians or terrestrials won’t know how to respond.
There’ll be a great deal of search for role models, for leaders, for people who know what’s happening and can show us how to react.
In my view, we lightworkers and loveholders are those role models of a new paradigm of love, gratitude, and peace.
If we can take our collective mission as lightworkers as seriously as it deserves, then we may wish to ask ourselves if we’re prepared to serve in that capacity.
For what time and what eventuality? For when people’s long-accepted but inadequate ways of being collapse. Collapse under what? Under the impact of the game-changing arrival of our parent civilizations from outer space, our star brothers and sisters.
When Disclosure does happen, our role as lightworkers swill be to maintain the peace and welcome our star family.
We may want to thank them for preventing World War III, removing planet-killing depleted uranium from the atmosphere, mitigating the impact of the cabal’s weather-warfare systems like HAARP and chemtrails, and numerous other tasks they performed for our survival and Ascension.
When other Gaians see that we’re unruffled by the presence of galactic beings, they’ll probably feel calmed. To perform just that service at this time was one of the chief reasons, I think, that many of us were born.
The ways we handle things in the future will become new paradigms, new templates that others will likely try on, test out, and probably gratefully and willingly accept. They’ll do so to escape from or cope with the dissonance of their own ways of being, many of which will now prove insufficient to grasp what will then be happening.
We’ll be creating new pathways, new ways of being, new cultural alternatives by our very reaction to the major events coming down the road – the Reval, Disclosure, and even Ascension itself.
And every step we’ll take will carry us further into territory no one has ever travelled before – a higher dimension in a physical body transformed into crystalline structure, in a prepared space, with us as its first mass inhabitants. And all of this happening with us awash in higher-dimensional love and bliss.
The great migration of souls. Some changes slow; many others occurring in an instant, but lasting for eternity.