Here Archangel Michael discusses what should happen in the time immediately after the Reval exchange.
Posting some of it is a mite uncomfortable, but I think it’s very, very useful to watch an archangel working with his servant on a joint venture or co-creative partnership.
What does an archangel ask of his human partner? How does he speak to him?
Some of the personal advice that that discussion gave rise to is at least as interesting as the post-Reval plans.
From a personal reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: The Reval has been announced. I’ve phoned the 800 number and they’ve told me to go to this address. X, Y, and I go to that address.
We transact our business very quickly and come out with whatever we come out with.
What would you like to see happen from that moment on? I know you’d like me to take the first week off and not buy anything and I will. But more globally, what you want to see happen after that?
AAM: Well, the first thing we would like to see is for all of you to go out for a delicious supper.
Steve: Very good….
AAM: There needs to be celebration and there needs to be acknowledgement of not just a gift but a dream come true.
And the reason why we say take a week off is to simply allow the new reality to seep in and for you to have moments of Glee and panic and discovery and conversation.
And then you go on holiday and you take the time to allow these changes to sift in because, if you say, “Oh, I’m getting started on my projects” and you do so, you will never take the break.
Steve: Yes, I get that that is probably, undoubtedly true.
AAM: And so we are starting at the very beginning saying: Using the brakes is part and parcel of the new realm. You are not intended to work yourself to the bone. That is not the way of Nova Earth and that is not the way of love.
Then you return and you begin to hire your staff and in the meantime you also have somebody doing some of the very basic recruiting.
Steve: So, I hire a managing director for the Golden Age of Gaia. I hire a President of the Michelangelo fund. Do I go with the Toronto Dominion family office or…?
AAM: Yes, that is good enough.
Steve: For the interval?
AAM: For the interval and the new financial institutions are going to emerge but for the interval. They are not stellar but they are ethical.
Steve: It wouldn’t be accurate to think that the people brought me as a family office might have been brought by you for a more permanent role?
AAM: There will be transition people and permanent people. What you can rely on, sweet one, is that I am not going to bring you anyone who is not of ethical behaviour.
Steve: Thank you. That reassurance means a lot to me.
So, now I’ve hired my team. Once I hire my team, they hire the next layer, right? I don’t hire their team, is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
Steve: I guess that’s probably important.
AAM: You do not want to be involved in the day-to-day. You want to be very clear with your direct reports, if we should call them that, that they know the philosophy and the principles upon which you are operating and, if there is a question about any of the hires, that they will discuss it with you but, otherwise, it is none of your business.
Steve: Right, but I have some staff that are attached to me – seven. And some of the staff I’d like to be historical, archival, publications, getting the material in the First Contact dictionary out to people. Is it workable to have some historians, archivists and…
AAM: That is staff, sweet one. That is not your inner circle.
Steve: Yes. They would not report to me.
AAM: They are working with one of your inner circle, developing and doing the actual work that needs to be done.
Steve: Okay. Now, I have my own accountants but they are different than say the Michelangelo Fund’s accountants and the Hub [of Ancillary Services]. Do I need to keep that separate?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: What else do we need to talk about? I won’t be talking to you for something like a month so I won’t don’t want to leave without having covered all the bases.
AAM: You have need to know, not only, beloved one, how deeply you are trusted and entrusted, by me but by many, and most certainly by the Mother. The area that you are working on – and the removal of unworthiness (1) is going to catapult you forward on this – is to trust your sacred self, to trust your sacred knowing, to allow yourself the latitude.
For example, let us use Monsanto. To give yourself the latitude to go and explore, examine, invent and then back away and say, “Okay, this is somebody else’s,” to trust that knowing that is already deep within you.
But what you are really paying attention to in this next little while is the deep, profound trust of your sacred self and the deep, profound trust of our partnership. It shifts, it grows, it changes but the love… the love is anchored firmly, eternally, forever.
So it is not that I wander away – that you get some money and I say, “See you later.” That has never been the Plan. It is not about money. It is about our relationship and the platform and the communications networks that we build.
You can be, sweet one, a bit of a worrywart and it is a good feeling of not wishing to misstep, not wishing to miscreate, not wishing to misdirect but that’s where the trust comes in.
You are doing fine but let the worry and the fear and the, “Oh my God did I make a mistake?”… Let it go. Do not get distracted. Whether it is by outside events or internal uncertainty. Keep coming back to your heart. Keep coming back to the brilliance of your mind. You are where you need to be and I am right next to you.
(1) In a process, recent to this reading, I had in imagination and through invocation of the law removed a feeling of unworthiness that I saw as always being with me in the background of my awareness.