There are portions of my Dec. 20, 2017 reading with Archangel Michael that I see I haven’t posted yet.
The excerpt that follows is on what may happen after the Reval and Ascension. Will prices skyrocket after the one and will people flee their jobs after the other?
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 202, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: A reader has asked me how the planners of the Reval and NESARA will prevent business from simply raising prices, wiping out the value of the Reval and impoverishing many. What can you say about the possibility that the financial floor just goes up?
Archangel Michael: That is a question based on fear. It is a question based on doubt and a belief system that those who are, shall we say, in the goods and services provision industries have a desire to bankrupt themselves.
If they are to raise their prices exorbitantly, such as after various wars, what happens is they may gain some financial wherewithal for a brief period of time. But in fact, in the longer run, people cannot buy what they cannot afford.
So that flow of money, that funnel comes to a dry spot and stops flowing. So it is counterproductive. It is really counterintuitive.
Besides which, most of the shifts in economic well-being, if we can put it that way, are very quiet and understated. So it is not that the owners of, say, your local grocery store suddenly knows that everyone has more money and he can charge $10 for a carton of eggs.
[After discussing Universal Basic Income of $100,000.]
The grocer that just receives $100,000 is not of the mindset then to rush to his store and raise the prices. The energy is the love. It is the new paradigm. Do not think in terms of the old paradigm because, dear heart, it is gone.
Steve: Right, yes, of course. I am thinking of the old paradigm.
AAM: Yes, and that is all right. That is a perfect example for your readers to understand.
Steve: I don’t really understand the significance of the new golden grid. I get that it’s marvellous and wonderful but I don’t have a very deep understanding of what is happening.
AAM: The significance is that your ability on every level to conduct love energy has been raised substantially. It is that simple; to think, to act, to feel the love. And in that ability to have the conduct of energy of what you can think of as sheer energy, to open your heart, is present.
So it is your ability to perceive a different reality, your ability to truly claim and assume your interdimensional self has also been [made?] wide open.
Steve: Is there anything more that you can tell us about our future journey? Like “we are to have a heart opening, “say, and the next step would be… and then the next. Anything you can say about that?
AAM: Think of it this way. With the ability to truly feel to a greater extent, what you have termed as bliss, as love and to carry that constantly there comes a period of adjustment.
Think of it in this way. If you had a terrible fracture in your leg and you hobbled and were in pain for months on end and then the pain begins to ease and then the physiotherapy is over and then you are walking along because it is no longer December and it is July and you are filled with vim and vigor.
And you are rushing along through the mountain paths, smelling the fresh air and seeing the summer sunshine. You feel entirely different.
The human heart, the esoteric heart, the spiritual heart, the seat of your soul in many ways was fractured. In the truth of Ascension, this is what you are doing. It is healing and opening to a greater capacity of love consciousness.
Now as you get used to that, your behaviors, what you choose to do in very small personal ways, human interaction ways, interactions with your beloveds and your family all change. The grumpies go away, dear heart!
And what you choose to do with your days, with your weeks, with your creative energies, changes. It is actually so straightforward and it does not mean (although for some it will) that everybody quits working or gets a new job.
But how one goes about that job and that daily journey is so different that it feels like a different planet, a different existence, a different realm, a different world.
Think of it in very simple terms.
If you are a chicken farmer and you have been having these, what we would consider, very unhealthy factories for chickens to lay eggs. What happens is your love and your connection to the chickens starts to change immediately and you don’t want to be the producer of eggs that comes from such difficult, let us call it difficult, circumstances for your family of chickens.
And so you decide to convert your factory and perhaps not overnight but over the space of a year or so, you move to freedom for your chickens and for organic eggs. You change your feed because you understand that Gaia has better food for not only for you but for your chickens and for humanity. And because you literally love your neighbor, you want to give them better eggs and so it shifts.
There is a greater quotient of happiness in what you are doing, instead of feeling that you are going into this warehouse that stinks to high heavens, to feed these clucking beasts. Now do you understand what I mean?
Steve: That was very graphic. Thank you. Yes I do.
AAM: It changes. It changes your perceptions and it changes your experience of what you do every single day.