A thoughtful reflection from Lisa Renee on a matter that will only get more and more important from here on in.
Whether or not you agree with all she says, she stimulates us to contemplate….
Personal Integrity
Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis, Oct. 2017
Dear Ascending Family,
As the distance between the bifurcating energies is increasing, we can see that a lot of people are starting to fall through the cracks. This time is especially challenging for those who do not have a strong moral compass and core sense of self. As the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified, those who are consciously or unconsciously serving both, are beginning to fracture and lose coherence. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.
The 3D mind control set up is purposed to intentionally destroy the coherence and stability within sets of normative values that both define and model standards of behavior throughout human civilization. Through the mass promotion of the anti-human value systems, it destroys integrity and trust within the fabric of society, and directly erodes the development of Personal Integrity.
Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own value system, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.
Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns their decisions in life with their chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves.
When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, achieve single-soul occupancy and continual consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity.