Huge Energy Changes Going on Right Now…
There are huge energy changes going on right now, and as all is immense flux, twirling, swirling and all is being rearranged.
Seeming chaos.
Seeming disruption.
Seeming as if all is not solid, one is not standing on solid ground, one is unsure of one’s footing, and emotions therefore then are within that swirl too, like one wants to cry for no reason, one wants to break out for no reason, things are volatile, unstable.
Remember that within the very eye of the twirling, swirling mass, there is a still point, a steady point, which is not changing. That is the anchoring point.
This is not a time to push, pull or shove.
This is not a time to make big plans for what might not even materialize into form – for all can change in an eye blink.
It is rather to just allow yourself to breathe – in and out, very deeply and to still the incessant chatter of the mind.
Mind-games do not work at this time.
Neither does anything else.
Rather just allow this all to happen. Stay in the center, at midpoint: “This too shall pass!”
What is happening now is greater than you and me. Indeed, this is a cosmic storm, a greater reshuffling, a greater Masterplan at work.
The whole cosmos is in immense flux and flow and rearranging itself, and so is the Milky Way Galaxy.
We are but the tiniest cog in the cosmic wheel, lest we forget.
Hold onto your faith, and hold onto your visions.
Just allow.
This too shall pass.
As more and more of the ancient energy centers on the planet are being reawakened, as are the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystal Pyramid Grids (as I go in detail into, in my new book, “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom) more and more energy is being released, not only cosmically, but what has lain dormant for billions of earthly years.
You are being carried on the wings of angels, and indeed, you are always held in the arms of pure, unconditional Divine Love.
And when human emotions and insecurities run amok at this time, within yourself and others, remember to go for a walk outside, even if just to breathe in some fresh air, and breathe very deeply, and then root yourself firmly into Mother Earth and the Divine, so that you become a bridge between heaven and earth.
Nothing is missing.
All is well.
All is being reborn – reshuffled, reinvented.
You too.
Therein lies the hidden blessings.
Reborn in love and with love!
Judith Kusel