I’ve been asked to place Accountability in the overall Plan for Ascension in a general way (i.e., for newcomers).
I’m going to have to do it from memory, rather than citing many references, in the interests of time.
My understanding is that, even though we as a planet decided through our collective consciousness to postpone Ascension so that “everyone” could ascend, that in itself does not guarantee that everyone will.
The Fifth and higher dimensions are rarified environments compared to this one. People rooted in Third-Dimensional vibrations would feel as if there’s too little oxygen, as if they’re choking to death. They wouldn’t be able to withstand the more refined vibrations and so would have to stay behind.
When the time of “lift off” happens for the whole planet – in a vibrational sense, such as from a planetary heart opening – we reach what can be considered a time of separation.
Those who raised their vibrational level through purification to a point where they can tolerate the higher dimensions will go forward. That will be the vast majority of the planet, I imagine.
Those who’ve chosen to remain in Third Dimensionality will recede in some way – physically, emotionally, spiritually, I know not. They may disappear from everyday sight. They may recede from memory. However it occurs, there’ll be a separation.
Accountability is a term that refers to the period during which power on the planet passes from the 1% to the 99%, from the deep state to the people’s state again. I don’t even want to pretend I know what judicial process will be followed, but I do know that it’ll be in alignment with human and universal law.
Out of it will come restored governments for all of us, a new financial system, abundance, freedom of the press, gender-equality legislation, restored civil rights, etc. Disclosure will then be possible and with it a plethora of health-restoring and labor-saving inventions.
I think we’re at the beginning edge of Accountability. I think the cabal, under the Executive Orders against human-rights abuse and for the detention of terrorists, is being removed from power and possibly incarcerated, awaiting trial.
Need it concern us? I can’t answer that for you. As a New-Age news reporter, I feel some duty to keep up with the baseline of events.
And it is interesting as the accompanying article, “Stimulating Sources on Accountability,” shows. But it’s also not the main event for me.
The most compelling reason for lightworkers to know something about the fall of Team Dark would be to quiet the fears of people around them who don’t know anything at all and wonder what’s going on.
They might be greatly shocked to hear the truth coming forth and need comforting. The FISA Memo alone, showing corruption within the FBI and DOJ, will be unsettling to many.
For some, especially political and religious fundamentalists, everything they believed in may come tumbling down. It could be a very difficult bump. (1)
So there’s value in us who are serving this Ascension remaining aware of at least the broad outlines of what’s happening.
At the same time, we also have a much more intimate knowledge of what the other side (the Company of Heaven) says through channeled messages.
That additional evidence is usually ignored by most mainstream folks, but, without it, would we ourselves know what’s happening? I know I wouldn’t.
Once the Accountability phase is complete, I’m led to believe that progress will be rapid. I don’t expect the phase to last long; once begun, there’s tremendous pressure to get it over with as quickly as possible, I’m sure.
(1) I went through such a world collapse in 2000 when my Indian guru of 25 years turned out to be what today we’d call a pedophile. Then we called it a child molester. It takes time to recover from the internal catastrophe that can follow.