We’re all of us determined to fulfill our missions.
Ours is that we made a conscious choice to assist the Ascension process by creating and participating in this blog and producing radio shows on all aspects of the Ascension process.
Many of our readers and listeners are seasoned veterans, well-versed in the clearing process and enjoying a deep and satisfying connection with the Divine. We know we no longer require a Human teacher.
What’s also true is that there are legions coming behind us, seeking information. That’s really where this blog comes in. I’ve run the inbox for the Golden Age of Gaia for nearly six years now and I can say with certainty that seekers of truth seem to find us after doing an esoteric internet search. They come like thirsty travelers across a desert to this oasis of Hope and Empowerment.
It’s important that we keep going and to that end we need to periodically ask for reader support. We love the exchange we enjoy with our readers when folks write in feeling troubled about something or they just want to share an experience or offer gratitude for what we do.
Our mission is to bring Light Information to the Human Collective, and we know that our friends in the rafters are behind us all the way. It’s an important enough mission for us to have given up the opportunity to get a “real” job, where pay is guaranteed and there are benefits like health insurance.
It isn’t like it was a difficult choice to walk this Path of Service.
As I wrote in a recent post, To Follow or Not to Follow, tangible things are happening in the world situation indicating that massive changes are taking place. Cleanup kinds of things, very encouraging. Not everyone has the desire or constitution to create a Twitter account though, to be aware of developments practically as they occur.
There’s a great deal of nastiness being exposed now, and for some, it may not serve to delve too deeply into it if at all. There are those who do though, and that is also needed.
What we do is to provide reassurance to those made fearful of Armageddon rumors, despairing of corruption, or seeking for some mirror of sanity in a seemingly-insane world.
Each one of us is here by guidance to do so. We’re in trust mode that support will come. But it will have to come through you.
We want to be clear that it’s your monthly donations that serve as the foundation for our continuity, and we have profound gratitude for our regular subscribers. Not to mention the many who support us with prayers and beautiful energy work…we are in Sacred Partnership.
We send you All our love and blessings.
We’re always feeling like the financial reset is so close and almost here…but we don’t know when. It’s coming is all we do know.
So until that time, we’re tasked once again to ask for your support in continuing to provide the offerings that we do, in Love and Service.
Please, if you have the means, donate to the blog to keep us at our stations.
Click here to contribute to the Hope Chest.
The Hope Chest is a grassroots-funded program serving the Company of Heaven, based on donations from readers of the Golden Age of Gaia and listeners to InLight Radio.
To make a voluntary monthly donation/subscription, please choose “Make a monthly donation.”
There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
Your donations to “Site and Team Donations” pay site costs and provide a living wage for the small team of editors and support staff working for the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, and the Hope Chest.