Zarton Messages from Space – Part 2
Greetings, I am Zarton
I return to you, the awakened members of Earth, to tell you about my Starship. Some may call it a space ship, as it moves through space. However, I call it a Starship, as it comes from the Stars.
In other words, my Ship is an “inter-galactic ship,” because I move from galaxy to galaxy within this Ship. My ship is also an “inter-dimensional ship” because I can also travel from dimension to dimension.
In fact, the fastest way to travel from galaxy to galaxy is to move into the fifth dimension, in which there is no time and space as you know it in your third/fourth dimensional reality. In the fifth dimension, “time” has a much different meaning than it does in the third and fourth dimension.
In the fifth dimension, “time” is only NOW. In other words, time is not something that stretches out across space, as it does in your third dimensional world. In fact, in the fifth dimension and beyond, “time” is only HERE and NOW.
When you examine the above rendition of my Ship, it may appear to you that it is coming out of a cloud. However, in your reality, it is coming OUT of No Time and into your 3D Time. I say “3D Time” because time is very different in every dimension and on every planet.
For example, on Earth, one day means that planet Earth has made one total revolution of Her Sun. A week on your world would be counted by seven revolutions of your planet around your Sun.
You also have segments of time known as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. However, since I do not consistently travel around your Sun, my concept of time would be quite different.
In fact, my concept of time is innately the no-time of the NOW. However, that concept is almost impossible for a Earth human to understand. However, once you remember your fifth dimensional SELF who resonates to the “no-time” of the fifth dimension, such as I do, you will understand.
I, Zarton, have learned from my many inter-planetary and inter-dimensional travels that the inhabitants of every world/reality are bound by the rules of that reality. I used the term “world/reality” because I am aware that the citizens of the third/fourth dimension often believe that the terms “world” and “reality” are different.
To me, and to my inter-dimensional people, the term “world” means “planet” and/or “Star System.” And the term “reality” means the society/civilization that these people have chosen to create on that “world/planet.”
For example, Gaia’s sister planet, Venus, has a very different reality from Earth, as well as from Mars. In fact, each of the planets in your Star System have very individual expressions. You may find it hard to believe that that is not the norm.
In my Star System, which I have chosen to leave un-named so as to keep the focus on Earth, most of the planets have a very similar “reality,” even though they exist in different orbs around the Sun. However, “Sun” is an Earthly title. On my world, the Sun is known as a “Star.”
Therefore, instead of having a “Home World,” we have a “Home Star.” I realize that those of you who reside on Earth, the third Star from the Sun, think of your world as only “a planet.” This is correct within your third dimensional perceptions because you are “time-bound.”
Being “time-bound” means that the beings of your Solar System are “bound” by the perceptions of reality of each “time,” such as sunrise and sunset. In fact, there are different experiences that you have within the different “times” that appear to be separate on your world.
However, on many worlds, such as your neighbors on Venus and Mars, the residents have a very different concept of time because they are in a different “place” in your Solar System.
We will not go into the civilizations of other planets within your Solar System within this NOW, as the inhabitants of Earth seem to be having enough difficulty with the concept of their “singular planet – Earth.”
It is only when a civilization reaches a state of “Planetary Consciousness” that they will be able expand their minds to embrace the concept of “Solar System Consciousness.”
We are sorry to say that many, if not most, of the humans on Earth do not even have a sense of “Planetary Consciousness,” and are still living within the concept of different and separate continents, countries, states and civilizations.
There is also a huge gap in humanity’s perceptions of a reality formed in their past, and a reality that is being created, or destroyed, within their present. In fact, many members on Earth, who you call humans, have never experienced a different form of Earthly Reality, and are completely unaware of the many different forms of the beings from the many Galactic Realities.
In fact, many humans believe that Earth is the ONLY inhabited planet in their Star System. In fact, there are many humans who believe the Earth is the ONLY planet in your Universe. However, these people usually have no sense of what a “universe” is.
If one cannot understand the concept of a united planet in which all the inhabitants are aware of each other and choose to live in peace and camaraderie, they will not be likely to be aware of, or care about, another planet.
We have viewed, with great regret and compassion, that there are still many areas on dear Gaia’s planet in which people die of starvation, live alone with NO support from their society, or even their family, and die alone and uncared for by others.
We, the members of the higher dimensional realities, are shocked and abhorred to discover this situation. We wish to assist you, but Gaia’s operating system has not been upgraded to include the concept of an inter-planetary reality.
However, we are pleased to see that some members of Gaia’s Earth are beginning to awaken to their own Multidimensional Consciousness. Especially on Earth, the frequency of your consciousness determines how you perceive your reality and how you perceive your self. Therefore, if a human’s state of consciousness is still governed by the low frequency operating system of “power over others,” there will be victims and victimizers.
On the other hand, if humans, one-by-one, in small groups, then hopefully in larger and larger groups, can choose to expand their consciousness into “power within,” many changes for the better will occur on your greatly suffering planet.
Yes, we have observed that many humans who have not yet gained their “power within” have such a loss of self-esteem that they cannot even believe in their own potential for their own inner power. We find this situation to be extremely dangerous for the health of the entire planet.
If humans are bound by “power over others,” or are so damaged by their life that they cannot remember their INNATE “power within,” that victim/victimizer scenario will infect dear planet Gaia.
What the Power-Less, and the Power-Over humans do not realize, yet, is that YOU, the inhabitants of Earth, are NOT alone. You are members of your wonderful Galactic Family of the Milky Way.
However, just as human parents may need to allow their adolescent child to make their own mistakes and “fix them themselves,” we, your Galactic Family, are waiting for you, the inhabitants of Earth, to fix the grave problems that YOU have created.
We are pleased to see that more and more of your human population are connecting with their Higher Dimensional SELF who resides on a nearby Starship or on their Homeworld.
Hence, we suggest that you all keep a journal in which your document all of your Inter-dimensional experiences. This documentation is important, as these higher frequency experiences do not remain in your human brain for a very long amount of your “time.”
We, your higher dimensional family, are no longer subject to the limitations and confusions of what you call “time and space.” We are all fifth dimensional beings who resonate to the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, we can be in constant contact with several realities within the same NOW.
Because we are not bound by time, we are not bound by sequence. Therefore, many experiences can occur at once, and our multidimensional brains can collect them all in a manner that allows us to, as we say, “Relax into the Knowing.”
The relaxing part is very important, as the state of relaxing allows us to open up our consciousness to the higher dimensional perception of your many, simultaneous possible realities.
Once your mind is open to accept events or experiences that are not bound by a sequence, time, or space, your whole brain can collect the information within the NOW of no-time.
Within the NOW of no-time, there is also no space, as it is known on your third dimensional world. Without the limitations of time and space, you can experience realities that simultaneously exist on many timelines and many different spaces.
Our Starship is among the many Starships that circle your Galaxy. Some of us even circle your planet. However, because our Ships and all the inhabitants resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, only those who can remember how to expand their consciousness, and hence their perceptions, into the fifth dimension and beyond can consciously perceive us.
However, because humanity needs to “sleep,” their perception has an opportunity to look inwards instead of outward. When you look inwards, especially while in deep meditation or sleep when your 3D thinking is “off line,” you will be able to “remember, perceive, hope for, or even actively engage” in the adventure of exploring your inner perception of reality.
When you look out, you see your third dimensional, physical world. On the other hand, when you look in, you have the possible reality of perceiving your own “imagination.” To your human indoctrination, the term “imagination” is perceiving something that is NOT real and that you are “just imagining.”
However, as you expand your consciousness, you will begin to remember the higher dimensional version of your Multidimensional SELF who is able to consciously perceive the higher dimensions of reality that are not visible to your third dimensional perceptions.
I, Zarton, would like to close this communication by inviting all of you to join us on our Star Ship. Likely, you will do so either in your meditations or during a dream. However, if you continue with your process of “looking for the Higher, fifth dimensional Light”, you will begin to receive information that you have never received before.
Please remember that our Galactic Information will come to you via a “fifth dimensional carrier wave.” Your third and fourth dimensional perceptions will likely think that what you are perceiving is “just your imagination.”
However, I Zarton, wish to remind you that:
Therefore, keep using and enhancing your natural “imagination,” as it has the ability to open you to your higher dimensional perceptions of reality.
We will return to converse with you again.