Why — consistently repeat — Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now! Meditation, invoke St. Germaine and the Violet Flame or Bonfire, and Sanat Kumara and Universal Law?
With consistency, repeated listening to Council of Love meditations and use of their tools, comes vibratory expansion and increase in our frequency — understanding and knowing — keys for our Ascension.
With daily consistency we become better able to understand and surrender the old patterns of behaviour, better able to let go of ‘being right’ with forgiveness and Love.
Our ego feels secure,
not afraid.
Embedded within all the Council of Love tools, meditations, Sacred Flames, Universal Laws is our capability to be the Eternal Flow of Love.
We are here to embody the Mother and the Father.
The Mother and the Father forgive everything.
‘Forgiveness of Everything’
creates peace within/without.
We are here to be gender equality, self-Love and self-worth, masculine and feminine aspects in balance, within/without.
When the old comes up for release — as pictures, feelings, however this happens — the mantra below is a powerful way to balance.
A mantra for situations not of love
with family, friends, co-workers
to create peace within/without:
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I Am the Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
Thank you
How-to use this mantra:
In meditation see the situation, with the person(s), that is troubling.
Say the mantra as if talking to the person(s) and allow. . . repeat and allow.
Repeat. . . and allow the pain to be felt.
Feeling the suffering and pain is the healing.
Allow sorrow, anger and fears to well up.
Relive the situation, see the pictures, say the mantra.
A question to ask, “Where is my balance, my forgiveness for this situation, for another, for myself?”
We come to peace within/without understanding and knowing the healing power of forgiveness of everything.
Suggested Practice
Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
I’ve found with, a consistent daily meditation practice alongside Universal Law invocations, comes greater understanding and knowing how to let go, how to embody the new.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
are keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t,
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
In the months after Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now and Archangel Uriel’s Meditation for Drought were channeled by Linda Dillon, a small group and I have been gathering on Skype to listen.
Embedded within these meditations is magical expansion. . . Consistency, again, is key.
If guided please
share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael