Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
Happy Now Year! This is a reprint from my Newsletter which went out today. Keeping everyone in the loop with the unfoldments.
Welcome to the New Newsletter! This is a reflection of the renewed website, and I welcome you to explore the gifts and energy of the new site design and new Light-encodements. Creative Evolution is no more, all is Ascension Path now. More shine, more services in the making. I’ll do a website and services video tour in the near future.
This Newsletter (one of the pricier services I intend to keep), is leveling up to include more inspiration, supportive services, and opportunities for us to connect.
Gratitude for the Support on all levels
My recovery is progressing well. My ribs are healing, the spine, leg, foot and arm are coming back into alignment. It will be easier when movement is more comfortable. The body trauma was greatly assisted by immediate high doses of Arnica and a product called T-Relief, which comes in both a topical cream and an internal homeopathic liquid. Highly recommended! My bruises disappeared in a few days, and the liquid version is truly helpful for the trauma/shock effects on the nervous system. I have also been learning a new healing method and will be sharing this soon.
We learn so much from near-death encounters. I have had several in this lifestream. While this event was the most violent, it traversed many layers of consciousness, both mystical and physical. It also answered personal questions about the trajectory of service work, embodiment of the Logos, and the division of realities. I intend to share these lessons later this month.
Kindwhile, I AM deeply grateful for the outpouring of support from the Light Tribe. Your generosity is manifesting a new car vehicle quickly, and I AM inspired to raise my services to a whole new level. Donors, you have been sent personal emails of thanks (to your paypal email). Check your inbox filters if you haven’t seen them.
2018 Reality Shifts: Stay True to your Heart
So much New is required of us right now, a reflection of the approaching New Light. Let us all do our best to demonstrate unity consciousness and stay true to our highest intentions. Forgive and bless those who are struggling, lashing out, or confused by the current energies. Even if it’s yourself!
Wayshowers, we apply all the lessons of patience, Divine unconditional love, forgiveness, and gratitude to each moment. These deep Seven Sacred weeks are about self-examination and transformation, however many experience deep self-judgment, and project that onto others.
Many are concerned about this polarization, however I see the Now unfoldments shifting us to a new experience rather quickly. From what I AM receiving about this year, polarity may dissolve completely for many of us.
As always, imagine, visualize and feel the New Earth experience often. Ascension Path class participants: Revisit the Journey to New Earth meditation. Those New Earth visions are enhanced during our SUNday Unity Meditations; it is remarkable to see the outcome of this weekly practice in Unity Consciousness.
Some may need to express themselves, often in uncomplimentary ways, as personal revelations present. Compassion, beloveds. Remember what your awakening was like. As we achieve Divine Neutrality (so purposeful as this all unfolds), these realities feel like watching a film. The detachment and freedom from that vibration is palpable. We can choose to engage or not; it makes no difference at this point. All is dissolving into the new crystalline realities.
Even with the plans for new services, there is neutrality. We honor our unique expression, and live the gifts to honor the Creator State of Consciousness. All of us are One at the highest of levels; that is important to remember as the realities shift.
Use this week’s Energy to your advantage
Utilize the collective energy of renewal, detoxification that accompanies the New Year. It can fuel your own intuitive nudges for shifts and creations. And take it easy – the energies will be amplifying greatly this month as Solaris aligns with this dimensional-splitting, consciousness-shifting area.
The sense of urgency will be amplified within the collective; let us direct that new light into Peacemaking and calling forth the New Earth experience for all willing hearts.
Check out the New Links Below
Below are links to the Free 2017 Light Intel Collection E-book, events, new videos, and much more. I hope they inspire and support your journey of Ascension. (You may view the Newsletter HERE). Subscribe on the bottom of any page of this website.
More updates later this week. A blessed and purifying Full Moon to you!
In Love, Light and Service,
“Happy Now Year, New Services and 2018 Messages,” by Sandra Walter, January 1, 2018, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution