Steve is on vacation. Reposted from July 2016.
In my view, we lightworkers are primarily here to build Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone. Such a world is not only possible, but, when we’re in Fifth Dimensionality, it’s natural. It’s just how such a world of higher-dimensional love and bliss would show up and work. And does.
Think of us as travelling through a dense medium, like thick mud. Such is life in Third Dimensionality compared to life in Fifth. A world that works for everyone is a Fifth-Dimensional world. What follows is my most recent (Ramakrishna would say “mature”) statement on how to go about creating it.
I was sharing with some friends what I was creating. What I’m creating is constantly emerging, so this was my latest statement of it.
I must say to whoever is helping me articulate this vision that I like it and I’m behind it.
“What am I creating? I’m creating a restoration of collective will among lightworkers on this planet such that they will come together to use their financial resources to build Nova Earth: to rid the Earth of global problems like hunger and poverty and create a world that works for everyone.
“[We’ll soon be] handed the resources and now we need to do the actual work.”
What does this mean?
A restoration of collective will among lightworkers on this planet…
Wherever the will to collaborate is lacking, to encourage it, call it forth (if it can be called forth), to help others to find their will.
The collective will is 7 billion individual wills, intending.
What we need to do is to make that process of intending a conscious matter and then exercise our will in a conscious and unified manner to build Nova Earth together.
… such that they will come together to use their financial resources to build Nova Earth:
Financial resources: A portion of funds received from a Reval investment, a prosperity program, the sale of historic bonds, or any other element of the abundance program. We asked Archangel Michael to give us the tools and we’d finish the job. These are the tools.
Come together: Don’t give it to me. This is not a pitch for you to send me your money. It’s a pitch to send it to a central organization that will receive and channel the funds and apply it to build Terra Nova – in every respect – artistic, medical, educational, transportational, etc.
Financial wayshowers could either leave it to a central organization to channel or specify programs of choice.
Let’s use these funds to end hunger. End poverty. End disease on the planet. End all other causes of global misery and suffering.
Build Nova Earth? Turn away from a consideration of the past to build the future. Concentrate our attention on the emergent shape of the new world – new society, new government, new spirituality, new education, new finances, new art, etc.
Rid the Earth of global problems like hunger and poverty, …
Working separately, financial wayshowers won’t be able to impact the global situation But if we pool our resources, we could.
The most we could do separately would be to think globally and act locally. If we combine our efforts, we’d be able to think and act globally.
Only unworkability is visible. When people are in perfect health, their perfect health is usually not noticeable. But a beggar’s plight, a leper’s, a victim of AIDS … their plight is very visible.
We need to take the unworkability in our world – hunger, poverty, slavery, disease, disability – and make it workable again. And we need to do it in an organized way, according to evolving and equitable standards.
… and create a world that works for everyone.
When I first heard Werner Erhard use this phrase, it electrified me. Later whenever I heard it it had me in tears.
Looking back now, I think I knew at some deep level that such a world was possible. But I had no idea as to how it might be attained.
Now of course I do. Having spent nearly a year in either higher-dimensional love or bliss, at which time for me the world worked and I probably did more of what worked, myself, than usual.
So I see how the world can work. Ascension will produce the elevation in consciousness sufficient to remove from all of us any desire to harm another. We’re gradually getting there. But the permanent heart opening that Ascension is will complete the process.
A world that works for everyone is a Fifth-Dimensional world. It’s a world in which heaven (the early Christian name for the Fifth Dimension) has been brought to Earth. It’s a return to the Garden of Eden.
It’s a world without duality, separation, or suffering. It’s a world whose primary and unmistakeable characteristics are love and bliss, joy and serenity. The divine qualities.
As I write these words, I gently enter into the blissful state. Here, in this state, nothing is amiss; nothing is lacking; nothing is required.
Saturation with bliss, I assert, will transform everyone into a person who does what works and what they do works.
A person who would do none harm, as Thomas More put it. With muno kokura, an absence of evil intention, as my karate teacher would phrase it.
Saturation with the bliss of the Fifth Dimension will by itself create a world that works for everyone. Our opportunity is to grow and evolve by exercising our own spiritual capacities to create that world now and not wait. The sooner it’s created, the sooner people stop dying from hunger and disease.
… [We’ll soon be] handed the resources and now we need to do the actual work.
Our constant refrain has been that our hands are tied because we don’t have the money. Well, now we’re about to get the money.
There’ll be no more excuses for not rolling up our shirtsleeves and getting to work then. We need to come together in a Lightworkers Congress to plan out how to accomplish our task.
We then need to debate the various proposals and accept some or all of them.
Next as financial wayshowers we need to contribute the resources to accomplish it.
Then we need to get to work.
I don’t administer. I don’t supervise. I don’t even lead. I’m a blue-sky kind of guy. I comment and envision.
This is the vision I’m holding.