We’ve shared this author’s work before in the post The Storm Before The Calm from November 17th. She’s created a YouTube video of the following transcript, included at the bottom along with a poem to accompany this offering.
By Mary Jane Banks, December 15, 2017
At the Autumn equinox of September 22, my intuition indicated that events over the subsequent six months would unfold in alignment with the natural sequence of astrological archetypes.
August was empowering, with the eclipse across the United States marking a reset, and the nodes of the moon — symbolizing the direction of our collective destiny — indicating the advent of individualistic self expression in service to the collective. In other words, being of greatest value by contributing the highest expression of our authentic selves.
At that time, the triangulation of Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius, and the north node in Leo tempered us like steel fortified by heat and pressure. The past and future exerted equal force as we carved new pathways with each present-moment choice. This is how we are helping to steer the collective — not by pushing or dragging, but by pioneering new territory.
September brought 2017’s intense energies of healing and releasing to a culmination, and ushered in the Virgoan harvest time of reaping and reckoning. This isn’t about karma — and certainly not about retribution or judgment — it’s simply about finishing up old business so we can be free to move on.
October brought the Libran energies of integration, balance, harmony, and justice. The sacred masculine and feminine, purged of their patriarchal shackles, began reasserting their life-affirming, cocreative potential. This heralds the end of polarization through divide-and-conquer tactics that, simply, no longer work.
As Jupiter and then the Sun moved from Libra into Scorpio, our journey through the underworld yielded unprecedented truth — domino by domino, and “crumb by crumb.” The veils kept thinning, allowing those of us with the eyes to see to peer into the depths, only to be met by a parade of skeletons. The Plutonian themes of sex, death, money, secrets, and the abuse of power could not have manifested more literally or explosively, right down to the weapons-grade Uranium.
With the Sun now in Sagittarius — the sign ruled by Jupiter and symbolizing knowledge, the unknown, our beliefs, and the truth, along with luck, expansion, and the urge for freedom — the holes we’ve poked through the veils of illusion are set to be torn wide open. Like the retrograde motion of planets, or a footballer backing up in order to take a running kick, it feels like time is folding back on 2012 to take a quantum leap into 2018 and break us out of the time loop.
If the current window really is the tipping point for the truth, Capricorn in January would indicate a time of restructuring, planning, and taking responsibility; Aquarius in February would herald the dawn of radical change, innovation, and newfound freedom; and Pisces in March would portend collective healing, reunification, and unconditional love, leading to the renewal of spring.
So often we have felt on the brink of transformative change only to have the brakes applied, but this time feels different. There’s widespread grassroots momentum and a sense of collective purpose. Minor differences are being transcended in favor of the unifying goal of freedom.
Individuals are using the Internet in innovative and constructive ways to share information of empowerment, healing, sovereignty, and truth. Instead of marking egotistical territory, we’re offering our jigsaw puzzle pieces to see where they might fit and add value.
The idea that human beings — or animals for that matter — are innately competitive is just another divide-and-conquer construct. Win-win always beats win-lose, and we’re proving that through the strength of the energetic network we’re building via the Internet and manifesting in synergistic information gathering, sharing, and support.
Unlike any time before, we’re prepared to face the truth and deal with it, and to help others do the same. And our decisiveness is opening the new territory and fueling the change.
One interpretation of the recent full moon in Gemini is the release and dissemination of information pertaining to the truth. With Mercury traveling retrograde during this period, this has involved recognizing and reflecting on truths we haven’t wanted to face — especially about ourselves — and healing through that process.
This has cleared and opened space for a higher version of the truth, seeded at the new moon in Sagittarius on December 18, at which time the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn will all be in truth-seeking Sagittarius.
Not only that, the Sun, Moon, and Saturn will all be at or near the degree of the Galactic Center — the target of the Sagittarian archer’s arrow and the place from which the energies of the cosmos emanate into the Milky Way. Uranus and Chiron have also been streaming their energies into this mix, adding futuristic, breakaway energies and the impetus for healing, respectively.
Of particular note, Mercury — representing the way we think and communicate — has been traversing forward and backward across this terrain in a dance with Saturn, symbolizing the potential to reclaim, re-structure, and re-embody the true nature of reality, both in the macrocosm and the microcosm.
I recently attempted to wake up my laptop, only to be met with the static icon of a folder with a question mark inside it. It seemed my computer had forgotten how to reboot itself. This reminded me that the term “reboot” was coined in reference to the need for a computer to “pull itself up by its bootstraps” — to basically identify its purpose and initiate the necessary sequence of processes for it to be able to function. It’s an apt metaphor for what the current energies are impulsing in us.
I have long felt that the Internet, itself, was a metaphor for our inherent potential — with our bodies representing the hardware, our consciousness representing the software, and the stream of source creativity — the life force — representing the worldwide web. We needed the training wheels of the physical Internet to be able to conceive of the potential for an energetic one.
We’re well beyond needing to be “told the truth” like children learning about Santa Claus. As we awaken to our birthright, we are becoming the truth by living and embodying it on the one hand, and by directly accessing it through our inner knowing on the other. This is why, irrespective of all the astrological or Gregorian calendar markers, the transformation is inevitable.
Like an athlete breaking the barrier of the four-minute mile, we are obliterating all barriers of consciousness. We needn’t worry so much about waking others up; in waking ourselves up — completely — the new reality becomes a foregone conclusion for everyone. Just as the industrial age led to nationalism, and the information age precipitated globalism, in the age of consciousness we’re “going galactic.”
Mary Jane Banks is a natural psychic-intuitive, medium, channel, truth seeker, and energy worker. She is also a writer, poet, speaker, and teacher who offers courses on a variety of subjects, including tarot, astrology, personal empowerment, working with energy, and developing innate intuitive abilities. She also offers one-on-one and group consultations and coaching. Mary Jane can be reached at [email protected].
By Mary Jane Banks
December 15, 2017
Vision boards on all our walls
As calls to action
For gaining traction
To help us trigger a new reaction
In the group awareness
In need of caresses
To decompress us
Out of our stresses
And into an energy
Built on synergy
All that imagery
Will set us in motion
Exploring new notions
That lead to new paths
And new starts
And big dreams —
As it might seem
Because the time has come
For a new reality
Weaving a tapestry
Of times past
And futures possible
A world that’s crossable
In time and space
Not a linear race
Nor a blood-thirsty chase
But a journey
Of learning and growing
And going with the flowing
Of intuitive knowing
Our first and best guide
On being alive
In the game of two’s
With all its hues
It pleasures and pains
And confusing refrains
Of repetition
Repetition and escapism
And growth through the mists
Leaving us speechless
Weak and defenseless
But not —
In truth, it’s just time
To pick up the pieces
To unleash the leashes
And unlock the doors
For all the knowledge
Can now be ours
To use, to explore
To share and make more
To complete the circle
And unwrap the present
To step into the future
The heavens sent
No more getting lost
In the maze of the matrix
With all its tricks —
Finally, the jig’s up!
So sit up and notice
Or maybe give notice
To the old tenants
There’ll be no more rents
On the lives of the living
No more giving
To the energy suckers
No more blood to be spilled in vain
The energy drain
Is a thing of the past
You can’t outlast
(Nor outwit, nor outplay)
Your games are outdated
And we’re elated
At what’s now slated
To come to pass —
At last, at last
At long last
Love lies waiting. . .
But not for long.
Copyright 2012 Mary Jane Banks