Thank you, Céline!
I have been following somewhat the “story” from Zimbabwe and continue to remain optimistic about how the new government and the people are deciding to move forward together, to create anew, and to put the past behind them, only looking forward now, getting on with the job at hand, which is to uplift the country once again to the potential that has been neglected for so many years.
I am always so proud about how honest and articulate Zimbabweans are – the conversation has been without “agenda”, without nuance, without double entendre, focusing on the path forward, united as One peoples – and the quality of the conversation is very reassuring.
Their presentation is one of pride, hope and impeccability, and the freedom for everyone to express their viewpoints and dreams is palpably refreshing for them. They are listening to each other.
The new President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, paid a courtesy visit to Jacob Zuma today (December 21, 2017). He says he wishes to learn from the South African President, who is also the current chair of SADC (Southern African Development Community), and to speak to the thousands of Zimbabweans in South Africa, asking them to return home to help build the new Zimbabwe.
He wishes to re-engage with the world and to re-visit legislation that has barred investment because he is expressly focusing on rebuilding the shattered and corrupted economy, uplifting the quality of life.
Jacob Zuma continues to be in hot water in his own country, so his point about Robert Mugabe being left alone to live out his life and to be respected for the contributions he did make take on a double meaning, one highlighting the value of no retribution occurring, the other hoping the same for himself most likely.
This jewel of a country in southern Africa may well be a model for the world if it continues on this hopeful and peaceful path. I am excited to continue watching the story unfold.
Talk show on Emmerson Mnangagwa’s courtesy visit to South Africa, December 21, 2017
A second topic that is fascinating is the current discussion occurring in South Africa about nationalizing the South African Reserve Bank. This youTube discussion so clearly spells out why these banks do not serve the people of their countries – Americans could learn a great deal from this brief discussion.
The market analyst countering the proposal is coming from Economics 101, protecting the elite – it is so clear in the little time he was allotted on this brief talk show.
Like the Zimbabweans, the South Africans are having a very frank debate; they are not intimidated into speaking politically correct language or needing to remain in the good books of those who run agendas non-transparently in the West. It is so refreshing, and I miss it so!