The issuing of an executive order declaring a national emergency around foreign human-rights abusers (1) seems an uncharacteristic move.
Since when has the President been overly concerned about human rights in the past?
What happened to the “terrorism” meme? Why the shift in emphasis?
The polish of the Executive Order suggests that it took a little time to prepare. It wasn’t done in a couple of days, like after and as a result of Atlanta.
While it doesn’t seem to have grown out of the Atlanta blackout, I think the blackout could have grown out of it. All simply speculation, of course.
Was the blackout a flashbang to distract people from the declaration of a state of national emergency a few days later? Will anyone bat an eye at the declaration, rattled as they may have been by the blackout?
Will the 5-10,000 indictments now be served? Are the CIA, FBI, NSA and other three-letter agencies effectively under new management?
Oh what a rabbit hole we weave…. My head spins.
I wish I could turn my thoughts about the world off the way we turn off the TV.
OK, that’s an hour of that, which is all I can stand. Enough! (Point and click.)
But it isn’t that way. The world scene and the inner scene compete for our attention.
What’s going on internally is even more exciting than the transition in power on the world scene.
At the Council of Love’s Solstice Webinar, Dec. 21, 2017, Jesus said something that gave me great cause for elation, punctuated as it was by an overseas friend having a heart opening in real time (by email), in the middle of the webinar.
Jesus said:
“The last time we really talked about a new beginning, a fresh start, a shift, a shift in humanity, was when I came to planet two thousand years ago. That was the last time we talked about a new beginning.
“The energies and the openings of Atlantis have already started. That is why I took the channel on this journey, a spirit quest. That is why the Cities of Light are emerging. That is why you are feeling different.
“Allow this expansion, sweet angels of my heart, allow this expansion to take place. … Allow me to open your hearts. Allow this heart awakening to occur today, on the solstice of the winter light and the time of new beginnings.
“Allow my love to flood you. Allow it to join with your love and to dance and express across the universe, in service to the Mother, in fulfillment of Her Dream. And Her Dream is our dream, is our purpose.” (2)
Well, certainly my overseas friend allowed his expansion to take place and had his heart opened. What better demonstration could I have asked for?
For any who may not be aware, I believe Jesus is talking about the planetary heart opening that the Divine Mother, over the summer, promised the world.
I hear Jesus’s words as setting the scene and tenor for that event. Who else would we rather hear from at this time of year?
When the heart opening comes, you, like my friend, may not know what’s happening and think you’re having a heart attack. No. You’re having a heart opening. It’s the Mother’s handiwork. I recommend you simply allow it. You won’t die.
I think it safe to say that anything that happens to lightworkers round about now is the Mother’s handiwork so I’d simply let her do her work.
Yes, you may “explode.” Or, yes, you may “implode.” All the obstacles are being blown away. But you’ll survive.
And after it, your heart will be flowing and you’ll know love in a way you will not have known before.
Does it not strike anyone as strange that, at the same moment, we have the white hats encircling the Illuminati and Jesus asking us to receive a planetary heart opening?
If I were to speculate – and everything I say is speculation – the heart opening will allow us as a planet to get through the trauma of the Illuminati downfall and release any vengeful feelings towards them.
Without a heart opening, we might very well do what George Bush, Sr. feared – hurt the “bad guys.” But with a heart opening, we may celebrate the return of safety to our neighborhoods and begin our global reformation.
The heart opening will soothe us and satisfy all our needs. It’ll have us step forth in life nobly and selflessly. And that development is of central importance to the next chapter of Reconciliation and Reconstruction that waits to be divinely written.
(1) Domestic human-rights abusers can already had their assets frozen by the courts, apparently. Moreover, the courts have the power to sequester funds and so no EO is required with domestic human-rights abusers. Enforcement is what’s required. But I am not a legal expert.
Insider Mega Anon blogged:
“The Swamp’s financials FROZE OVER while they all slept last night, y’all. It’s gonna be a LOOOOOONG Christmas break for them… they were all broke before sunrise.” (“MegaAnon’s Response to Trump’s New EO Blocking People Involved in Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” Dec. 21, 2017, at
(2) “Winter Solstice 2017 – Yeshi’s Christmas Message,”