Below is a discussion through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, August 2014 on An Hour With An Angel with Archangel Gabrielle, about hatred:
“It is a difficult conversation, but it is of truth, and it is a conversation followed by action that has need to take place upon the entire planet.
“There is a love-hate relationship in many instances, and in many instances veiled, literally and figuratively, of males against females, of females against males, of females against females, of males against males.
“What is this hatred?
“Well, you know it is the lack of self-love. It is the lack of self-worth. So much of gender… we will not call it inequality, we will not call it disparity; let us call it what it is — hatred.
“Because when we use such a strong word it will evoke the emotion that has need to be brought to the surface and cleared.”
With much chaos on planet from wildfires in California to starvation in Yemen, we can help with balancing everything by invoking Archangels Gabrielle and Michael, Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, and Universal Law, eliminating all hatred with forgiveness of self, of one another — by embracing our masculine and feminine within — balancing our selves.
August 2014, Archangel Gabrielle gave us an in depth discussion of what she terms gender equality, the integrated balance of our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine, the elimination of hatred within, complete harmony with the Divine Self.
“There is no creature, no kingdom, no being, no humanoid structure that does not embody both the masculine and feminine of themselves and of divinity, of the One. And that is the beauty of this creation, and that is the beauty, the harmony, the sweetness, the gentleness, the strength of each of you, my beloved friends. It is glorious that you carry both.
“Now, when you have chosen this incarnation, this embodiment, you have also chosen your gender. And you have chosen your gender for a whole plethora of reasons, one of which is your comfort zone. For many of you, you simply prefer, enjoy to a greater degree, being male or female. And is it not delightful that you choose?
“Now, there are very few ― and I mean a handful ― of human beings, whether they are starseeds or hybrids, Earth-keepers, who have not incarnated as male and female, because it is part of that coming to wisdom, to enlightenment, to know the experience, the joy, the challenges, of both realities.
“So it is not for your understanding to say, ‘Well, I am male. I am always male.’ No. At some point there would have been an incarnation as the alternate, shall we say, gender.”
Archangel Gabrielle tells us that the healing of what we call gender inequality begins and ends with the internal balance within ourselves:
“It is part of that sacred union that you have with yourselves, and it is the full embrace, the love, the appreciation, the living in both sides and not creating cement walls or barriers between your masculine and feminine. It is the sheer joy of having both, regardless of what gender you have chosen.
“When you do not have this sacred balance within your own being, how then, my beloveds, do you have that sacred partnership with the Mother/Father One/All/Source?
“Now, it is truth that most of you tend to lean either towards the masculine or the feminine aspect ― which is all one anyway ― of the Source. But still it remains that you are in relationship with both…”
She says this conversation of gender inequality, of hatred, is one that has need to be followed by action, that acknowledgement, letting go, of lack of self-love and lack of self-worth within.
“Now, my beloved Steve, you know that we have had conversations about this issue of hatred…
“It is a difficult conversation, but it is of truth, and it is a conversation followed by action that has need to take place upon the entire planet. There is a love-hate relationship in many instances, and in many instances veiled, literally and figuratively, of males against females, of females against males, of females against females, of males against males.
“What is this hatred? Well, you know it is the lack of self-love. It is the lack of self-worth. So much of gender… we will not call it inequality, we will not call it disparity; let us call it what it is ― hatred. Because when we use such a strong word it will evoke the emotion that has need to be brought to the surface and cleared.
“There is this love-hate. The males and those who have chosen to be male in this lifetime have this admiration, this ecstasy, this love, and this discordant jealousy for the woman who can bring such ecstasy, bliss, intimacy, nurturing, caring, and who can bear life.
“So often, there is this disconnect in the male gender, and now we are talking the collective ideation, belief system, even the archetypal structures, is that they tend to forget that they are the givers of life as well. But there is not the demonstration of that bringing forth, of the creation.”
Archangel Gabrielle says there is admiration and Love but also jealousy and control on the part of the masculine that exhibits as gender hatred toward the feminine:
“So there is this admiration, this true love, and this jealousy at the same time. And in that there is this discordant energy that says, well, let me prove that I am stronger, that I am the master, that I am slightly better than or incredibly better than. Let me keep you in your place.”
She says our view of sexuality can also exhibit as gender hatred with mutilation, rape, and subjugation to wage or job inequality, the imbalance in the value given to tasks:
“The other issue that arises ― and it is both the masculine and the feminine ― is this belief system that intimacy, sexual union, the joy, the bliss, the ecstasy of sexual union, is not a blessed gift from Mother/Father One, that the desire is seen as lust, that the body is seen as unclean, that the very act of union is seen as something dirty.
“And that has need to be changed, because it is the gift. It is the gift that not only takes you out of your body to experience, momentarily, the true feeling of bliss, of ecstasy, the release of form, and at the same time anchors you firmly in your body, because it is a physical experience of joy…
“Is it an act that is sacred and to be honoured? Always. But it has never been meant to be seen or viewed in this belief system that is held subtly and actually ― and we will talk about that ― and something that is disdainful, something that is less than, something that is to be hidden away in a corner.
“Because when there is this view of sexuality, it exhibits, as you see, as gender hatred, as trying to suppress and control the woman. And you see it in very hideous ways ― of mutilation, of rape, of subjugation, but you also see it in more subversive ways ― of wage inequality or job inequality or the imbalance in the value that is given to tasks. And it is still very prevalent all over your planet: ‘Oh, that is woman’s work,’ meaning that that is less than, is simply not the case. But it begins with a balance within. And then, yes, it spreads out…”
Gender hatred, especially in 2017, is more than ever at the surface for us to acknowledge and let go:
“Now, one of the things that you are all witnessing and have need to very actively witness is that these issues of gender hatred are at the surface, that they are truly not only being recognized — because they are on the surface — for what it is, but that people of every faith, of every walk — no, not majority, but still declared and undeclared lightworkers and love-holders, however they define themselves, are recognizing and saying, ‘These issues have to be addressed. The subjugation of women does nothing to reflect the divinity of the Mother, the divinity of the person or the co-creation of Nova Earth.’
“So while many of these atrocities are decreasing, the issues of the subjugation and the hatred are at the surface so that they can be seen, acknowledged and eliminated.”
In 2014, Archangel Gabrielle told us it was a time for action, within and without:
“It is time for all humans, male, female, to take action. And it is taking action in a variety of ways. Yes, of course, the most subtle, the beginning point of balancing within your masculine-feminine and loving yourself, and loving the masculine and feminine in every other person.”
In 2017, with the new golden grid Archangel Gabrielle has laid down for us, we truly can declare our global citizenry, our balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Self, the honouring of every being on Gaia.
“We come back to this declaration of global citizenry. The global citizen, the citizen of Nova Earth, honours the diversity, the richness, of cultural, social mores, belief systems, but not where it is cruel, not where it is harmful, not where it is not honouring of the individual, of the family, of both genders. Because subjugation of one group, of another group, whether it is gender or a sective religion, does not elevate, it brings everybody to a very low frequency.
“So it is a matter in the most gentle but strong ways to speak out, to inform, to educate, and to take, not warring action because that is exactly what is already going on, and our purpose with Michael is the elimination of war in every single form and the anchoring of peace within one’s heart. And you cannot have peace in your heart if you are involved or engaged in demeaning, dismissing or harming another, either actually or through a belief system. It is not kind, it is not of your divinity.”
Now is the time to say, “No more” so gender inequality stops.
“It stops by the people of Earth, of this beloved Gaia, saying, ‘No more’ in writing, in speaking, in addressing the public, in informing. Because one of the greatest issues is the untruth or the half truths that much of this gender inequality is buried under.” (1)
The deep recognition and embrace of our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine in perfect balance, in complete harmony with our Divine Self — trusting in the Divine Order of things and being in a constant state of forgiving — eliminating all hatred within and without, all gender inequality.

Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame to bring within to see truth of hatred
An Invocation
I invoke Archangel Gabrielle and her Gold,
Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame of Truth,
Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Elimination
for all planetary hatred:
males against females, females against males,
females against females, males against males.

Writing Love with St. Germaine and the Violet Flame Torch

The Mother’s Blue Diamond energy of hope, forgiveness for everyone
(1) “Archangel Gabrielle: Gender Equality is Critical to Your Ascension,” channeled by Linda Dillon, Aug. 7, 2014, at