I do admit a certain fascination for following good, challenging intel on the modern scene.
I spent a morning with Q Anon, who calls his intel “breadcrumbs.” Follow them out of the forest, I imagine.
Q Anon is a deep-insider/leaker, apparently posting with official sanction.
I heard him say what I’ve been thinking since forever: That the cabal never thought Hillary would lose the election. They never thought their plans for world domination would be thwarted by anyone. Consequently they got careless.
In a recent post, he put it this way:
Remember they never thought she [Hillary] was going to lose.
Therefore, they never thought … their criminal acts would be exposed/investigated.
Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear.
Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.
Therefore, they were sloppy. (1)
I’ve often thought that there are loads and loads of breadcrumbs (clues) lying around because the deep state did not fear being exposed and so got sloppy. They did not fear public reaction because they (the CIA) controlled the media (through Project Mockingbird).
Any violent reaction from the public, they believed they could handle through incarceration in FEMA camps or deployment of sophisticated technologically-advanced forces (including assassins).
They never gave much thought or weight to the possibility of public exposure for something so repellant as child trafficking, something that would unite the public in condemnation.
And yet that’s exactly what’s happening. Five-thousand or more indictments waiting to be served and many if not most of them for child trafficking and associated crimes against children.
The significance of child-trafficking and child sacrifice as issues is that they utterly revolt almost anyone with conscience. I believe it was Q Anon who just reported that 3,100 children were rescued from sex slavery in this latest round of takedowns.
I’ve called for an end to all forms of child slavery, trafficking, sacrifice, and related crimes by July 1, 2018.
As to following the news on a daily basis, I’m utterly overwhelmed by the mere thought of the amount of research that I’d need to do to keep up. I can only check in every now and again. But I confess I do find the details of such a large, coordinated takedown fascinating.
Nothing will bring the deep state down faster, I think, than charges of harming our children, whom everyone feels sworn to protect. The civilization that preys on its children forfeits the right to be called a civilization, in my view. Nothing would separate us from the animal world at that point.
Meanwhile, I asked Archangel Michael in a reading I had with him through Linda on Dec. 20, 2017, whether the video in which Barack Obama admits to being born in Kenya is genuine. Michael replied that it was not genuine. The soundtrack was put together from bits and pieces.
Here’s that conversation:
Steve Beckow: I was shocked to see a video in which Pres. Obama seems to admit that he was born in Kenya. Is that an accurate video?
Archangel Michael: That is one of the wizardry videos. (2) So now you’re being able to see the extent to which harm is being done.
Steve: … and all the things that are said about Obama, they are all of a piece?
AAM: That is correct because there is an effort by certain parties who claim to be of the Light and Love, to discredit those who are truly on mission and purpose. It is a distraction and it is to create division and derision within the ranks, as it were.
Steve: Can you give me more details on how that video was created because I know people are going to say, “Well, how was it created?”
AAM: It has been taken from excerpts and simply doctored.
Steve: I’ll be darned. (3)
I can’t bring the video in (interestingly) but here is the page it’s available from:
Here’s an example of an available “bit.” Watch this video in which he says he was born in Kenya; no, that was a joke. Here’s one piece that could be lifted and used.
As Michael says, there’s been a concerted campaign – and Q buys into it too – to criticize President Obama, once the deep state saw that he would not be a willing tool. Many lightworkers have also bought into it.
Because of this campaign dating back to his earliest years in office, the President was unable to get very much of his agenda into law and what he did succeed in having passed (Obamacare mainly) has been badly mauled.
We’re serving a meme about the President that no one among the Company of Heaven believes for a moment. (4) I ask people to take a fresh look at him and treat the directed attack on him with the acute discernment it deserves.
Archangel Michael says the same about the videos claiming to show directed-energy beams igniting fires in California. Special effects. Hollywood at their best and not true. (5)
It tests my credulity to the maximum to disbelieve the videos I’ve seen on the wildfires. It’s a stretch for me. But I trust and choose to believe Michael.
You have two equally-credible-sounding explanations before you. You may have to decide between them, on whatever basis you do.
I will be away on two weeks’ vacation after Christmas.
(1) Taken from screenshot at httpss://i.imgur.com/ZORdMWa.jpg
(2) “You are living in a wonderful technological age when the ability to manipulate images is akin to wizardry,” he said earlier in the reading.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 20, 2017.
(4) See “Barack Obama” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#Barack_Obama
(5) See :”Videos: Hollywood at Their Finest?” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=291532