As one Group Avatar, we serve as a force of nature to radiate the new consciousness template for our evolving planet.
Support the Movement of a New Humanity
~ Year End Fundraising Drive ~
Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Your financial contribution empowers us to launch far-reaching and deeply impacting campaigns in response to emergent world need.
Since 2007, we have developed and managed hundreds of global transmissions with great assistance given to the activation of the planetary Crystalline Grid.
We operate as a non-profit charitable foundation. Contributions are tax deductible in the USA.
Our mission of Sacred Activism joins thousands of people from around the world in massive demonstrations of synchronized global meditation and remote energy transference.
We are serving as channels for the highly transforming universal light to assist in catalyzing real and lasting shifts in the collective consciousness.
We utilize the proven principles of group coherence and peace technologies together with the law of invocation and divine intervention.
All of the turmoil we see on the planet today is a direct reflection of the thoughts held in the mass consciousness. Until we, as an entire race, shift the way we think, we will not fully realize the more beautiful world we know is possible.
This is why our work in sacred activism is so important. It can swiftly empower the emergence of new, more loving perceptions in the collective mind of humanity, while bringing crucial stability to the global consciousness shift.
~ The Oneness Transmissions ~
It is through the extraordinary power of collective intention that we are directing our group influence to help transform world consciousness through the planetary unity grid of light.
Together, we focus our collective intention with the Crystalline Grid, and transmit our self-actualized codes of accomplishment to trigger greater levels of mass awakening, plus give needed stability to situations of global crisis.
* We are helping to advance the human race into evolved levels of coherently connected consciousness and highest human potential.
* We are building a massive communications network connecting the higher consciousness of humans worldwide.
* We are transmitting the energies of transformation and spiritual awakening to all people, world systems and planetary structure.
* We are creating a massive support system and vehicle of stabilization for the consciousness of all humanity.