A good housecleaning
Think about it for a second.
This that follows is from my recollection of channeled messages years ago. But it should all be in the First Contact database: https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=First_Contact
The white hats have meticulously gathered evidence since at least 2008 to make sure that, when arrests were made, the legal case was in accordance with human and universal law – and indisputable.
In the face of stubborn resistance to the truth, they can call upon the Akashic Records, which, in some of the courts they may be tried in, is accepted as conclusive evidence. (It may be used prior to going to court and make a court appearance unnecessary.)
By whatever process, the military has gotten behind them and is evidently a willing and active participant in events that are now unfolding.
The white hats are about to unseal several thousand indictments, the results of all their labor, and the United States at least will undergo a quiet revolution of proportions that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
I predict that, once the public has had a chance to know about and digest the revolutionary changes, the in-depth truth of our history will be gone into so that we have a “terrestrial” or “global” understanding of where we’ve come from. I think that indispensable for what comes next.
After that, I’d expect the new authorities to invite our galactic friends to come out from behind the curtain. We’ll need to know where we’ve come from to be ready to take up whatever of a galactic nature comes next.
I’m not speculating any longer about the Reval’s timing. It’ll come when the highest councils deem it the right time. I’m ready. I’m at work. I’m prepared to live off my Visa to buy another month for me and the people who depend on me. After that … the Reval will come no matter what I do in the meantime to survive.
Because I heard more of the background in the days when Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was building the case now being presented – from Matthew and SaLuSa primarily – I can imagine the long road it’s been since the first post-9/11 rumblings of mutiny among the Marines over plans to invade Iran to the day they landed at Langley.
I know many military people read the blog so I want to strongly acknowledge the courage and determination it took on your part to bring us all to this point today.
It must have been difficult for all your members. I actually cannot believe that the operation has proceeded so far without us seeing civil war in the military or fear arise in the population.
This is truly a Quiet Revolution. We wish you every success in your mission. Thank you to all who’ll be standing guard over us, this holiday season.
I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off after Christmas.