Wave of Fire to some, Tsunami of Love to others
Nova Earth will make use of new technologies, terrestrial and galactic – mostly galactic, I believe. (1)
The power of thought will play a great role in the construction of buildings. On the Astral Plane, houses are built entirely out of thought. And we’ll be on a plane of consciousness higher than the Astral.
The 20th-Century prophet Beinsa Douno described our new houses and our new world:
“The houses will not be constructed as they are now, but will be built several kilometers away from one another. The animals will be given rest from the people. To the artists, musicians and other people of the arts, the best conditions for work will exist. …
“The inner wealth, the knowledge which a person possesses, will be available to all.
“Now you are provided with air, light and water. One day the bread too will be given to you like the air, the water and the light. …
“People will have bread in abundance. Everyone will have a home, a garden and fruit trees. When you pass through a place that is new to you, you will be asked from all sides to come in for a visit.
“In the new Order, everything old will disappear and all things will be completely new. …
“Somebody may say, ‘When we are perfect, what will we do?’ We will then begin to live.” (2)
We’re not there, just yet.
Where we are is often awash in anxiety and concern as deep-state structures fall apart.
At the same time as it’s all chaos and mayhem in the everyday world, we’re asked to build a new world based on love and compassion. Is it a tug of war between the two sides of our world?
No, it’s not. The apparent opposition is resolved when we remember that the second situation is the answer to the first.
I won’t try to win the recalcitrants causing chaos and mayhem over. My energy will go into building a world that they’ll be happy to join, if they’re ever willing to do so.
In our course of action of building Nova Earth, there’s no dilemma. Building Nova Earth is our answer to the present chaos on Earth.
By building Nova Earth, we’re inviting victim and victimizer to live in a world without crime, racism, or bigotry, a world where people share and help each other rather than hoard and beggar each other.
Why would a victimizer not welcome a place of healing, where life is not a struggle for survival? In that world, not only is survival guaranteed from every perspective, but all needs are catered to. What’s not attractive about such a place?
We’re not in the position of flower children. They lacked the kind of support we have today and lived in a world much denser than ours has become.
The flower children could not say that they’d be the beneficiaries of galactic technology, but we can reasonably expect to be.
They didn’t talk to archangels – well, some spoke to ascended masters. Seraphim and archangels were not born among them to work with. Galactics in large numbers were not living among them.
And they didn’t have the benefit of successive waves of love and other enriching and refining energies.
These refining energies are the wave of fire that Beinsa Douno predicted nearly a century ago, which would hit the Earth and cause much suffering. He wrote:
“A new Wave is coming from out of the Cosmic Space: the Wave of Divine Love.
“It is … called ‘the Wave of Fire.’ This Wave has powerful vibrations which not every human being can endure. … Those who are ready to withstand the vibrations of this Wave and assimilate them will become luminous.” (3)
“This Wave of Fire will soon pass over the world and purify it.” (4)
We’ve often heard higher-dimensional beings as being described as luminous or glowing.
Today we call the “Wave of Fire” Douno described the Tsunami of Love. It raises everything incomplete to be completed. The upwelling of these issues can cause much suffering to those who resist the process. Douno explains:
“For those who cannot bear [the vibrations], it will be a Fire which will either consume them or will cause them to pass through great suffering. This will prepare them to awaken and receive Love. …
“Everything old and impure will burn in it.” (5)
The Wave of Fire or Tsunami of Love raised everything in everybody. However, people who knew what was happening:
- Observed their issues arising, rather than reacting to them,
- Experienced them rather than projecting them onto others, and
- Let them go when they begin to dissipate rather than trying to hang on to them.
They probably passed through the fire with the least possible disruption. But those who resisted and would not allow their issues to arise, be experienced, or dissipate must have suffered.
But once we’re through the Wave of Fire, this phase of purification, what then unfolds?
(To be concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
I’ll be taking a couple of weeks off after Christmas.
(1) See “We’ll Have New Technology” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=After_Ascension_A_Golden_Age#We.27ll_Have_New_Technology
(2) Beinsa Douno, “The New Order,” The Master Speaks (MAS), https://www.beinsadouno.org/en/node/1105
(3) Beinsa Douno, “Eradication of the Old,” WOG, https://www.beinsadouno.org/en/node/1105.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Loc. cit.
(3) Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 39.