In the course of working on a book on the divine qualities, I came across this discussion from Archangel Michael in which he addresses how to clear a vasana.
He points to vasanas (or core issues) as the chief obstacle to our manifesting our latent divine qualities.
I reproduce that discussion here:
From “Archangel Michael on Core Vasanas and the Constructed Self,” May 1, 2013, at
Archangel Michael: Now, we have taken a great deal of time, and air time, to speak of divine qualities. And certainly, on our platform [the Golden Age of Gaia and InLight Radio], we have given attention to this because it is important, it is who you are, and it is how you live in the higher dimensions, the different realms. So you begin to examine, “What are these false grids or shields that I have erected?”
Now, what does this imply? What it implies, my dear friends, is community and unity, because it is not only you doing your own internal work, clearing, letting go, with us, but it is also you giving tacit and actual permission to each other, in community, and community of heart, of higher consciousness, of heart consciousness, to call each other on such falsehoods, and to be able to say how you are speaking, behaving, reacting — and this is a key, reactive behavior, kneejerk reactions — how you are reacting does not feel, does not reflect the essence of who you are, it does not reflect the love that I know you to be.
So can we halt this? Can you go within and access the vasana? Do you need help? And the willingness to truly be in heart-to-heart communication, not from a place, ever, of judgment or criticism or punishment, but in a place of willingness to connect, communicate, and expand on a very different level.
And I know it is not only part of the Mother’s plan that these vasanas be eliminated, it is part of your plan. It is part of what you have always wished for, desired, prayed for. In this lifetime it has been exceptional for each one of you. We have told you, you have come here in your mastery.
Now, what does that mean? It means these little blips — because that’s what it is — these little blips, little blemishes, have need to be cleaned up. You have brought the fullness of your soul design, your talents, your abilities, to this lifetime, in physicality, in your expanded self.
Now, in doing that, you also brought unresolved vasanas. Is this the end of the world? No, it is the beginning. And I know you are ready to address this.
My friends, my brothers and sisters, I know your heart, and I know your willingness. I know your eagerness to go forward, once and for all. …
Steve Beckow: [Discussion of triggering deleted.] Can you talk a bit about the ways to work with vasanas, the ways to eradicate them? Are there any ways to really clear ourselves of vasanas as and when they go off?
AAM: Yes, and you are correct insofar as vasanas are triggered. That is why we speak of reactive behavior. And you are quite correct as well — it is like a volcano that gives off a shoot of steam, warning everybody in the vicinity of the village, “Look out!” And then it tends to simmer. And then it will explode, and heaven – literally – help anyone who is in the way of that explosion.
And you have all witnessed this, not simply you, dear Steve. But there is a point at which you know that something — you may not know exactly what — but that a vasana is being triggered, because the reaction, the defensive reaction, is so strong.
And it is not simply started, shall we say, by someone who is an enemy, someone you disagree with. It can be your best and dearest friend, your partner, a situation on the planet. But you know, because not only is your heart hurting, but your stomach, and your aura, and even your root are churning.
So it is this sense of unease, dis-ease. And that of course is the root — that is another discussion — but that is the root of so much physical dis-ease on your planet. It is unresolved vasanas.
Now, you do not need to go into full eruption if you can begin, as you have, to identify that it is a vasana coming up, and simply go quiet.
That is the key. Go into your heart, anchor in the heart of the Mother, anchor in the heart of Gaia, so that you feel, literally, stabilized, and examine — and nothing is too farfetched.
So often you tend to think of humans, “That is my imagination.” Well, in this type of situation, it isn’t. It is information your body, mind, and soul, spirit, are giving you, so that you can let it go, so that you can place it within context and understand, “Why am I feeling this way?” Because it is never comfortable. Never.
And that is why so many people on your planet tend to say, “Oh, I am driven.” Well, they are driven because they will not slow down and allow the vasana to come to the surface and release it — because it spells great relief. And that is how you know.
You invoke, you call upon us, the divine qualities, the universal laws, which Sanat has talked about just last week. You may call upon the laws, you may call upon a friend, a human friend, to help you process, to talk it through, to allow the emotion — because this is about your mental, emotional bodies — to allow the fear, the anger, the pain to come to the surface so that it can be washed away.
You can use Archangel Gabrielle’s rain of gold, my blue flame, Archangel Raphael’s emerald flame, St. Germaine’s violet flame, but the key is, in one way or another, to torch it, to burn it, and to let it go until there… even the ashes are no longer there, because it does not belong within thee. It is not the truth of who you are.